the thread about nothing...

I was watching this show where these two dudes go and try expensive foods and compares it to a cheaper alternative on Hulu (forgot the name).

The episode I watched had a $100 donut, which was topped with gold foil.

My question is, why would anyone pay $100 for a donut? Even if I had money, I just don't see the appeal.
^different strokes for different folks.

People who directed the Purge got something right....there are some days I feel like this needs to happen...for real.
You want murder?

If I'm honest, it crosses my mind sometimes.

Like I said, there are some days that I feel like idiots should be erased from this Earth. Pedestrians crossing when I got the right of way in my car, yes I wish I could run their asses over sometimes. People who cut me off, yes sometimes I wish I could run their *** off the road.

But I have enough common sense in me that I will never carry this out.

If I'm honest, it crosses my mind sometimes.

Like I said, there are some days that I feel like idiots should be erased from this Earth. Pedestrians crossing when I got the right of way in my car, yes I wish I could run their asses over sometimes. People who cut me off, yes sometimes I wish I could run their *** off the road.

But I have enough common sense in me that I will never carry this out.

Sound like a ticking time bomb hope I never see you on the news like in LAS VEGAS
If I'm honest, it crosses my mind sometimes.

Like I said, there are some days that I feel like idiots should be erased from this Earth. Pedestrians crossing when I got the right of way in my car, yes I wish I could run their asses over sometimes. People who cut me off, yes sometimes I wish I could run their *** off the road.

But I have enough common sense in me that I will never carry this out.

Hey man...I won't come down on you. Dumbasses annoy the hell out of me as well.

I simply try to just treat others the way I want to be treated. That's probably the reason why dumbasses get to me so much. In the examples you provided, those people are being completely inconsiderate of the world beyond them and those are the moments that drive me from 0 to 100 real quick. But can't play judge and juror. Gotta exhibit a lot of patient and understanding.

I do wonder though, where is the line. When is it "socially acceptable" to push back against people who are inconsiderate...Or perhaps what level of push back is acceptable. Obviously physical violence is not...but how about just being a flat out ******* to them?
If I'm honest, it crosses my mind sometimes.

Like I said, there are some days that I feel like idiots should be erased from this Earth. Pedestrians crossing when I got the right of way in my car, yes I wish I could run their asses over sometimes. People who cut me off, yes sometimes I wish I could run their *** off the road.

But I have enough common sense in me that I will never carry this out.


I was gonna say who's mans is this but seems like your solo dolo.

@Methodical Management can we ban this guy from this thread. I ain't got time for a mini me Timothy Mcviegh.
Whenever im in that situation i always give the person the benefit of the doubt just to make me calm down more then anything.

If a guy cuts me off while im driving (happens ALLLL the time) i assume he has some where reallllly important to be, where risking an accident might be worth it because their wife is giving birth or their dog is dying in the seat next to them.

I use this at the gym when people are doing dumb exercises and im like "i have no clue what they are going thru, and they could be recovering from a horrible back injury or a torn bicep"

Also i have been the guy before who was on a run and ran across a light and some dude almost hit me because i had the right of way and he wanted to make a right on red. I just waved and assumed he was in a rush or didn't see me like no harm no foul my man...carry on.
Those 2 examples don't make me feel any type of anger lol.
I've had anger issues since i can remember...a battle I constantly fight.

When I say anger I don't mean like I am two seconds away from turning it into a physical altercation. But I definitely have a moment in time where it pisses me off. Or let's say I'm at the mall and there's a group of 6-8 people taking up the entire walk space and walking slow as ****. That **** puts me on edge...again just inconsiderare of the world outside of them. Just be considerate and I've got no issues.
We got mini mod over here!!

Foh outta here papi

But nah, I'm a level headed dude...People just got me heated today. Actually never seen the purge, would prolly wasn't the best example. wasn't lmao.

I remember Patrice O'Neal had a bit in his standup (Elephant in the Room) where he says work should have a Sexual Harrasment day. **** was gold.
when people get mad while driving, ill wave at them. believe it or not, waving at them and smiling, especially when they're pissed, pisses them off even more (and calms you down).
If someone cut me off i used to do everything I could to cut them back off but since I've had kids I've had to curb that ****. Can't do that with them in the car so had to kill the habit completely. Was hard at first but I'm a lot better now. Still catch myself from time to time though .
I used to get suppppper heated when I drove.

But my wife got me to chill and she reminded that there are lunatics out there who would shoot you on sight if you even give them the finger.
If someone cut me off i used to do everything I could to cut them back off but since I've had kids I've had to curb that ****. Can't do that with them in the car so hard to kill the habit completely. Was hard at first but I'm a lot better now. Still catch myself from time to time though .

i feel it, i've slowly tried to cut the road rage out but still catch myself doing it from time to time when im alone or just with the wife. i shut it off completely when my son is in the car with me tho. cant be having all that negative energy around him.
IDK how i missed this playboi Carti CD, Its dope! lol
I'm starting to notice i have the music taste of an 18 year old teenager
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