the thread about nothing...

I think I may have gotten another phishing email.. this time from Uber. I changed my password thru my app instead of clicking any links on the email. Stay safe yall these scammers are working overtime.
Just hit her up saying we should go grab a drink since we couldn't really talk at the party because of the amount of people and music.

Threw in a little inside joke on it too.

Small message, straight to the point.

Good lad, let us know how it goes
I've used the same coat for like 6 years and the same hoodie for 3. But they still keep my warm so I don't wanna buy a new one. But my hoodie probably smells permanently like dank at this point...May have to replace it regardless.
I've used the same coat for like 6 years and the same hoodie for 3. But they still keep my warm so I don't wanna buy a new one. But my hoodie probably smells permanently like dank at this point...May have to replace it regardless.

I've had the same parka for 7 years. I think it's time
I've had the same parka for 7 years. I think it's time
Can you both teach me your frugal ways? That reminds me. In one of my classes, a girl next to me was drinking out of a water bottle that had an expiration date of 2 years prior. The bottle was probably produced 2 years before that date. She used the same bottle everyday. :sick:
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‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ Star Chow Yun-fat Plans to Give His Entire Fortune to Charity
The Hong Kong movie legend says he only spends $800 HKD, which translates to $102 USD, per month.

Apparently, he stays frugal by taking public transportation as often as possible and doing charity work instead of spending it on himself. He also had a Nokia phone for 17 years (we can only assume it’s a flip phone), and only upgraded to a smart phone recently, when his Nokia one stopped working. He shops at discount clothing stores, because, he said: “I don’t wear clothes for other people. As long as I think it’s comfortable, then it’s good enough for me.”

The same site reported earlier that the actor claimed to spend only $800 HKD ($102 USD) per month.

714 million USD, wow that is very generous of him
On my way to my soccer game today I was looking for parking
I finally got to see the Kawd statue they have here in LA
Not my pic. But this one


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I think I may have gotten another phishing email.. this time from Uber. I changed my password thru my app instead of clicking any links on the email. Stay safe yall these scammers are working overtime.

I got a really good phishing email from “Apple” a few weeks ago. It looked legit and I went along with it until it asked me for my SS#. They’re definitely getting better
Anyone else ever feel this way?
I've come to not care about the birds anymore
Every time one blows up on me or acts out, I just move on immediately

I don't know if I'm in a rut
Or if I just don't want to waste time

This ^^^ :smokin

the faster you run through them, the faster you find the one you’re looking for. It’s a percentage game
I got a really good phishing email from “Apple” a few weeks ago. It looked legit and I went along with it until it asked me for my SS#. They’re definitely getting better
I got a good one from "Apple" too... usually phishing emails go in my spam folder but this one was in my inbox and it looked legit.

I went along with it until it asked for my mom's maiden name. I was like "Why would Apple need to know that?" Then under that it asked for my driver's license # :lol: Also you couldn't go back after you logged into Apple which was a red flag as well.

Reading back the email there were some grammatical errors and the subject didn't look professional. Plus the from wasn't even from Apple's official email which I should've noticed too. So I learned to always carefully proofread any emails I get
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