the thread about nothing...


I was grocery shopping today and there was a dude pushing a cart next to me in a sports coat, jeans, and dress shoes. The sports coat was slightly oversized, but not outrageous. But anytime I see someone with a big sportscoat, I chant in my head "choppa suit, choppa suit, he thinks he's fly in his choppa suit". Thinking back, I am not sure if I said it outloud, and if I did it was probably under my breath. So the dude starts a conversation with me. It went like this.

Mr. Choppa Suit: That's a nice jacket, where did you get it from?
Me: Thank you, I got it from Gap 2 years ago.
In my head I'm thinking, did I say "Choppa Suit" outloud? Is he trolling me or being sarcastic? I'm wearing a military inspired olive jacket with a couple front pockets and a grey hoody underneath.
Mr. Choppa Suit: It goes nice with the grey. See look I love grey. *points at his own jacket*
Me: Oh nice!
Mr. Choppa Suit: But where is Gap? I don't think there's one nearby.
Me: You can check out online.
Mr. Choppa Suit: Oh yeah, I will do that and check it out.
Me: Yeah man take care!

We both go in different directions. I got home and I am still wondering if he heard me say "Choppa Suit". I also do not know if he was trolling, how does he not know about Gap?
Snowed in again here in Seattle due to this snowpocalypse and have to work from home tomorrow. Worked from home twice last week and had a half day last Friday. Dont think I've ever seen the area get this much snow so close together.
Yeah it's supposed to possiblly rain later in the week. They got me using my vacation days for these past snow days. I guess it beats being off with no pay.
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