the thread about nothing...

Oreos on the last page reminds me of these Oreo cheesecake cupcakes I made last year.

They were insanely good. But I messed up on the recipe and didn't remember to divide the sugar in half, so I accidentally added twice the amount of sugar. I ate two and I was down for the count.
Can someone explain to me the difference between race and ethnicity? In relation to European immigrants post Civil War if possible. Having some trouble understanding and my brain is like mush right now.

sorry if dumb question 
Its been my understanding that Race pertains to the physical features that make you Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, ETC whereas ethnicity is more cultural related. I'm black thats my race, but my ethnicity is Jamaican.
what yall think of my Fantasy Basketball team name?

Click Clack Pau Pau
That is dope. I need to think of one like that, I remember there being a thread about this in S&T one time. Prob going to make it again and hijack a name

FutureMD is a Pillar of the Community-If the Eye Popping face was working I'd post it. I want to know whats going to happen when he reaches 1000 reps. They should make him a mod for a week

If I ever got a tumblr my productivity would be at an all time low once I learned how to use it. Good thing you guys are around to post all the funny pics like that mac and cheese one or tmblr girls so I dont go there.
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Got a call about a possible excellent job opportunity yesterday. Great pay, room for growth, and very close to my home. Praying this works out.
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