the thread about nothing...

Ive had them for like 4 years :lol::lol:
I just jumped on this running bandwagon after the marathon.
They were old so i used them to go running.
I forgot to bring alcohol in a flask today. Have a presentation to do in class. I actually present a lot better with a shot or two of whiskey in me.
Liquid courage.

Words just tend to come easier when your breezing off on or two drinks. Less caught up in what someone else is gonna think.
Pics or ducktales lol

I coulda done faster on the time but I didn't prepare for that distance lol.
SC kid SC kid be lying his asz off

I remember he posted this and he “i saw this in my bathroom”

I did a google image searxh and plenty of results of the same image came up.
Lol I run every single day
At least 3 miles (5k)

That wasn't a race that was just me outside.
I don't do the races
Lol I run every single day
At least 3 miles (5k)

That wasn't a race that was just me outside.
I don't do the races

You never race competitively?
How would you know if your actual fast?
Waste of time imo, if your not in a racing competition.
I don't run for competition
I run because it's relaxing to me.
Helps me think.

I guess I could run in a race tho.
If help you relax thats cool, do you. But i see it as a adrenaline sport. I wanna train hard but i want to win and run fast to get my prize during competitions.
I like running a couple times a week as well. Especially when the weather here is 60 or above. Casually running also relaxes me and I like the runners high after that first mile or so.
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