the thread about nothing...

Hungry in the middle of the night just sucks.
Working/Staying Up all night is the worst though. Atleast y'all are comatose. I picked up this new job 2 months back, and I'm virtually +20lbs already. I was scrawny before, yes, so no worries, but at this rate though...
man i had the flu for about a week, i ended up losing 10 lbs

Had the flew like a month ago....that thing is no joke. I swear i didn't get over it for a solid 7-8 days. I am one of those get sick often but never full blown out sick. Just small head colds here and there. But man i got the flu and was like i got big deal...oh it was a big deal :lol:

Muse concert last night was actually really good. Surprised me.
I'm such a nerd that I already have tickets booked to see this three times :rofl:
My bro was just complaining the other day about the people that buy extra tickets to see it more times.

I like to only watch a movie in theaters once. Why see it again knowing exactly what’s going to happen when you just saw it the other day?
I just promised my friend that I'd binge watch Game of Thrones (never seen a single episode) if she promises to watch Avengers End Game with me.

What have I done. I have no interest in GoT.


Also. What's the easiest way to watch the episodes if you don't have HBO?
My bro was just complaining the other day about the people that buy extra tickets to see it more times.

I like to only watch a movie in theaters once. Why see it again knowing exactly what’s going to happen when you just saw it the other day?
Just once?

One time is not in my vocabulary when it comes to marvel movies lol

Yo no comprende
My bro was just complaining the other day about the people that buy extra tickets to see it more times.

I like to only watch a movie in theaters once. Why see it again knowing exactly what’s going to happen when you just saw it the other day?

i never really understood that either. i understand renting/streaming it again, but i can't think of a movie i'd watch twice in theaters. i've done it a couple times for a girl, but not solely bc i wanted to :lol:
Anyone use Outlook iOS app? So frustrating that any Draft messages you have on the desktop program don't appear on the actual phone app.

i never really understood that either. i understand renting/streaming it again, but i can't think of a movie i'd watch twice in theaters. i've done it a couple times for a girl, but not solely bc i wanted to :lol:

I don't recall ever seeing a movie in theaters multiple times.
I just promised my friend that I'd binge watch Game of Thrones (never seen a single episode) if she promises to watch Avengers End Game with me.

What have I done. I have no interest in GoT.

Also. What's the easiest way to watch the episodes if you don't have HBO?

Bruh she doesn’t actually “want to watch” GOT with you, that’s a smash session.

I can’t tell you the easiest way too watch episodes of GOT, you can get 7day HBOGO trial
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Couldn’t get pass the first episode of GOT. I think it’s the whole dragons/medieval times thing, was never into that stuff. I’m more of a Roman Empire guy. Gladiator is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Working/Staying Up all night is the worst though. Atleast y'all are comatose. I picked up this new job 2 months back, and I'm virtually +20lbs already. I was scrawny before, yes, so no worries, but at this rate though...
How is that possible? 20lbs in 2 months?? What have you been eating?
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