the thread about nothing...

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Its nyc/Brooklyn thing just had to.

Haven’t brought a pair of Af1 since 2006....eeek but for $35 why not.
Houston is gonna heat up. Gonna be well more prepared than last year....

Light color clothing during the day
Dark color clothing at night
Man its a real eye opener to see how my dad handles my 23 year old half brother. My mom and dad got divorced when i was 6 and he was in out (mostly out) my whole life. He had weekend visitation when we were young but middle school through college didn't see him much at all. But he is telling me how my 23 year old half brother isn't mature enough to have a credit card...and how my dad needs to get my brothers car insurance updated and get him an ez-pass. Like he is 23!

Like let the kid live...let him make so glad i didn't have him growing up. I am so glad i had to become the man of the house at a young age. I am glad my mom made me get a job when i was 14 to help pay the bills. I am glad I struggled as a youth and knew what it was like to stretch grocery's and have 2 shirts that you had to keep clean and rotate through middle school. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a safety net your whole life. Would make it seem like nothing really matters

:end rant
Starbucks ain’t doing it for me this morning. At least I don’t have to be up at 5:30 on a regular basis moving forward.
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