the thread about nothing...

I was a high school/college track athlete.. not gonna knock your life path knowledge. Might be some merit to it, but I wouldn't invest myself into something that determines someone destiny. Ordinary People can defy odds they never could imagine.
You seem to like basketball a lot. Did you not tryout or did you not make the team?
You seem to like basketball a lot. Did you not tryout or did you not make the team?
I never tried out cause our basketball team sucked. Don't know how smush parker who went to my high school got into the nba. My school was definitely not top tier high school basketball. I had a better chance with track and getting a scholarship. I did win a basketball gym tournament which I assemble the team as Capt. #humblebrag. But I'm not college D1 good. Just good enough to play competive tournaments and pick-ups.
Aaaaaaand that's why I avoid the Coliseum station like the plague. :lol:

Might get drinks this weekend with @bendover, so I'm excited! :smile:
There’s really no point to stop at the coliseum station unless you’re going to a game or airport or live there. More people will avoid that stop when the A’s move to a new coliseum. Fruitvale is just as bad, but a lot of people get on and off there, prob a lot of Alameda residence going through High St.
Who is that in your avy

What is your birth date?
July 26 :smile:

There’s really no point to stop at the coliseum station unless you’re going to a game or airport or live there. More people will avoid that stop when the A’s move to a new coliseum. Fruitvale is just as bad, but a lot of people get on and off there, prob a lot of Alameda residence going through High St.
Yeah, whenever I watch a Warriors game, I'd rather pay the $40 parking fee than risk being in danger at the Coliseum station. And I take Fruitvale station too whenever I go to the city from my dude's place in Alameda. Thankfully, I haven't had any bad experiences there yet.
Used to work in Alameda and getting from High St to 880 is always a mess at rush hour :sick:
Olivia Munn has been killing it.
Takes me back to the outlets in 1998!

My first pair of Jay's were the white/red 13s...found them in the bargain bin at popular clothing store called VIM when I was in 3rd/4th grade.....good times.
Those were my 1st Jordans as well, B grades from the outlets. 17 year old self thought I was doing it when I rocked them on the playground the next day.

I picked up the 2017 retro a few months back just because they remind me of good times with family and friends. Get them now before sellers start asking for ridiculous prices.
There were two retros I think one in 2004 and 2017 gotta do some research which one is the better one.
2005 was for the lows. 2010 and 2017 for mids.

July 26 :smile:

Yeah, whenever I watch a Warriors game, I'd rather pay the $40 parking fee than risk being in danger at the Coliseum station. And I take Fruitvale station too whenever I go to the city from my dude's place in Alameda. Thankfully, I haven't had any bad experiences there yet.
Used to work in Alameda and getting from High St to 880 is always a mess at rush hour :sick:
I need the year to do your reading. And why don't you go to the 12th Street or Lake Merritt Station? Those are closer to Alameda.
12th street and lake merritt are kinda out there since he doesn't live on the main alameda island.
July 26, 1992



8's are karmic and financially stable. What they put out is what they get. The financially stable part does not necessarily mean rich. Either they are good at managing money and or money seemingly appears when they need it.

9's are highly adaptive but experience a lot of sudden changes, they go from high to low and vice versa. Life will present obstacles or challenges to overcome but also a lot of upside. 9's are open to trying new things but sometimes find themselves associating with the wrong people and could get hooked on vices.
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