the thread about nothing...

im sure you did, but everyone thinks they are the 7th caller.

I sent him a message a minute after he posted them.
You as a NTer should know.,a minute like 20+ messaged him,by then. Same thing with online sneaker releases a minute later all the jeezys were sold :smh:.
But yeah unless u refresh the page and he posted it right when u never stood a chance.

what kinda car u workin wit pleighboi

Audi B5.

You as a NTer should know.,a minute like 20+ messaged him,by then. Same thing with online sneaker releases a minute later all the jeezys were sold :smh:.
But yeah unless u refresh the page and he posted it right when u never stood a chance.

I know that. It was in the regionals where most people don't check.

Some guy offered to pay shipping and donate $100 to some foundation.
what kinda car u workin wit pleighboi

Audi B5.

You as a NTer should know.,a minute like 20+ messaged him,by then. Same thing with online sneaker releases a minute later all the jeezys were sold :smh:.
But yeah unless u refresh the page and he posted it right when u never stood a chance.

I know that. It was in the regionals where most people don't check.

Some guy offered to pay shipping and donate $100 to some foundation.

the b5 with some bbs rims is a clean look

BRUH... What the hell is this?!?! :rofl:

Why Senior Pickles in the bg watching him with the same mug though?!?!

That was me when I first discovered pron. Waiting for those damn pics to load during the dial up era

|I kids these days have no clue

how about accidentally clicking the back button while the pic was loading or essentially watching 10 second clips (whole scenes/mixtapes werent a) frame by frame thanks to the blazing fast 56k connection. the things we had to go through to get a nut :smh: :lol: . i wont even wait if a vid buffers for too long now.
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I remember downloading some 3 minute scene and had to leave so I left it downloading since it took so long...I must've left the speakers on. When I got home...:wow: :smh:

I remember trying to play it off by saying I thought it was some sort of Jamaican song (the girls were jamaican) :lol:
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Does anyone watch The Mentalist? I usually don't like the cop/lawyer shows but I really like this one.
This current topic reminds me...when I was a freshmen in high school and me and my boy saw extenze first advertised in the back of Source magazine. We said we was gonna go half on bottle :rofl: :smh: gif

We was trying to be a foot deep in them birds mane

Never got it though, little debbie money wasn't adding up like that back then
This current topic reminds me...when I was a freshmen in high school and me and my boy saw extenze first advertised in the back of Source magazine. We said we was gonna go half on bottle
mean.gif gif

We was trying to be a foot deep in them birds mane

Never got it though, little debbie money wasn't adding up like that back then
ya'll should have scoured da dumpsters for a bottle of that extenze.
This monstrosity of a thread: :x

I'm ashamed I ever posted here. There are so many awesome threads in here.
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