the thread about nothing...

It's addicting.

That's some **** I don't tell my people's though, ish is weird if you really think about it lol.
It's kinda therapeutic imo. I'm a building maintenance worker & anytime I got my broom with me while waitin on the elevator I find myself tappin away at the floor with it lol pretending to have a big *** paint brush doin Bob Ross paintings haha
Ok. I got questions. What do you listen to? How do you listen to it? You put on headphones and chill, put it in while you’re doing stuff around the house? I really don’t get it tbh
You could do all that too but a much simpler way is go on youtube & watch Bob Ross painting videos & it'll take over you. Trust me lol
That bandersnatch film on Netflix was crazy good.

Gonna have to rewatch it and change my decisions , as well remember the phone # which I got wrong.
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