the thread about nothing...

CL is full of clowns & their bs. People still use CL to buy & sell in 2019? Let me guess @ the end of his ad it read "no low ballers please, I know what I got" :rofl:
I remember looking on Craigslist for a car and this guy sent me a sob story about him being a divorce army sergeant. Yada yada yada....good thing I didn't follow thru cause it was probably a scam.
no it's augmented reality like the pokemon go game
Pokemon go app has tracking features.
I remember getting an entire backstory for a comic book for sale on CL.

The prices wasn't bad, but he said send him offers. So I asked what the lowest price he'd be willing to sell.

Shouldn't have even asked that. Dude let out this backstory how he got divorced and his transmission went out and now he's working liquidate a lot of his things to get his life back in order. Sheesh.
CL is full of clowns & their bs. People still use CL to buy & sell in 2019? Let me guess @ the end of his ad it read "no low ballers please, I know what I got" :rofl:
You might find that 1 out of 10 good seller on CL. If it’s a good seller it’s usually a decent car but it also gets sold fast. Majority of the sellers are idiots tho. That’s why I gotta ask a lot of questions before checking it out. I like to test their patience to see if they’re worth the time. I don’t want to buy a used car through the dealership. They usually mark up another $3k-4K and when they take trade ins they barely look through it.
$45 to attend my high school reunion? :lol: no thanks.

$45 is dirt cheap compared to my 20th that just passed. They were asking for $220 and was set up by two *** bags I barely knew or cared to talk to. I saw the list of people going and barely recognized a few. The rest were all magnet kids from other cities who were too afraid to mingle with the locals :lol:
Man this been a bad last 30 days.

If y’all got family you not getting along with over petty ****. Be the bigger person and make that right because you never know when somebody can go. :smh:

Sorry to be a negative Nancy all the time but ya’ll cheaper than therapy by a long shot.>D

Seriously though remember to tell the ones you care about that you care. If not for them do it for yourself you don’t want that regret. :frown:
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