the thread about nothing...

*****s wild in here rolling eyes and *****ing and moaning at a homeless lady.
Did you read the entire post? The homeless lady was stealing from the fountain by filling up several of her own containers and holding up the line for at least four paying customers. On top of that she poured out an entire cup just because she picked the wrong button by accident. If she only filled up one bottle or cup and walked away quickly, I don't think anyone would bat an eye.
No the post so many words and so complex, didn’t read and understand all of it. Yeah homeless lady stealing soda, terrible, for you and everyone else. I get it. Carry on.
No the post so many words and so complex, didn’t read and understand all of it. Yeah homeless lady stealing soda, terrible, for you and everyone else. I get it. Carry on.
Like fare evasion on trains this has downstream effects. It inconveniences paying customers and leads to price increases in order to make up for lost revenue. And I cannot care less if Taco Bell loses money. My gripe is that this woman (homeless or not) caused paying customers to wait when they should not have to. She took her sweet time and did not even consider stepping aside when a line was forming behind her.
Mad at a homeless person trying to couldn't be me, couldn't be me.
Pouring out a full cup of Pepsi Zero to refill it with original Pepsi, sure sounds like something a person who hasn't had a drop of liquid in ten days would do. I am willing to bet that some of the customers waiting in line were more thirsty than her. She could've been more considerate by stepping away from the fountain then return later to fill up the rest of her bottles and cups when the place gets less busy.
Pouring out a full cup of Pepsi Zero to refill it with original Pepsi, sure sounds like something a person who hasn't had a drop of liquid in ten days would do. I am willing to bet that some of the customers waiting in line were more thirsty than her. She could've been more considerate by stepping away from the fountain then return later to fill up the rest of her bottles and cups when the place gets less busy.
You don't see the bigger picture you took time out of your life to complain about a homeless person from the comfort your own home. You think did same after drinking some soda cause a guy who staring at her every move? No, she probably went back to her park bench, highway underpass, sidewalk, etc....To sleep in hunger. while your here online shaming someone who has practically nothing in the comfort of your own home is cool.

But like i said it couldn't be me, to make complains about a homeless person because i'm grateful for what i have in my life and have sympathy for other humans who are in a tough situation. But i'll let you carry on.
My new favorite insult: You are so un-self aware

Like i mean yes? If i was un-self aware i wouldn't know it...but if some one else is telling me i am not self aware then that must be true right?...I can't call myself self aware because doing that would probably make me un-self aware. By definition i would think all people at some level are un-self aware...if you were fully self aware you would be like a high level Buddhist monk who has reached nirvana or something right? It's is basically impossible to argue that you are self aware when some one says you are not.

seems like a completely empty "insult"
You don't see the bigger picture you took time out of your life to complain about a homeless person from the comfort your own home. You think did same after drinking some soda cause a guy who staring at her every move? No, she probably went back to her park bench, highway underpass, sidewalk, etc....To sleep in hunger. while your here online shaming someone who has practically nothing in the comfort of your own home is cool.

But like i said it couldn't be me, to make complains about a homeless person because i'm grateful for what i have in my life and have sympathy for other humans who are in a tough situation. But i'll let you carry on.
More than half of this forum or actually the internet as a whole, consists of people ranting about "trivial" matters. If you don't like it, there are two choices- get use to it or log off.

So I should have empathy for a person less fortunate and think it is "okay" for someone to selfishly hog up the soda fountain to fill up outside containers? Maybe she should do this when the restaurant is not as busy or filled up her containers in separate trips. That way in your words, I wouldn't have been "staring at her every move". Whatever attention she got, she brought it upon herself.

This is what I saw with my two eyes, and there was probably more. She filled up two 32 oz
Gatorades bottles and a medium cup (20 oz) twice because she poured it out the first time. This adds up to at least 100 oz. Assuming the average waiting customer had a medium cup, 100 oz/20 oz=5. During the time she held up the fountain, 5 people waiting in line could've filled up their cups. The woman being homeless or needy does not relieve her of being inconsiderate to the point of subjecting paying customers to wait for her and watch her steal from the fountain.
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