the thread about nothing...

do they not make any stuffed dog toys that dont rip?? my dog has gone thru so many got really close then he made it inside to the cotton..he ate both arms from a stuffed animal one time and everytime he goes out to poop i see cotton in it..he also loves eating the tags off pillows and sheets..also if the toy squeeks dude goes in with precision and ends up rippin the little plastic bag in it and taking it out..hes not big at all either.
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Got a package sitting at the post office right now.

Hope they deliver it because I'm flying back to So Cal tomorrow >:

I even paid for more shipping in hopes I'd get it now.
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do they not make any stuffed dog toys that dont rip?? my dog has gone thru so many got really close then he made it inside to the cotton..he ate both arms from a stuffed animal one time and everytime he goes out to poop i see cotton in it..he also loves eating the tags off pillows and sheets..also if the toy squeeks dude goes in with precision and ends up rippin the little plastic bag in it and taking it out..hes not big at all either.
These are pretty tough. It took my 80 lb boxer weeks to chew thru this when others toys don't ever last a day. Your guy may tear it apart but it will def take him a lot longer.{matchtype}&mr:adType=pla&mr:keyword={keyword}&mr:filter=20005783933&gclid=CLzSkoHIorMCFZGiPAod2GMACA
These are pretty tough. It took my 80 lb boxer weeks to chew thru this when others toys don't ever last a day. Your guy may tear it apart but it will def take him a lot longer.
thanks man the one that we thought was going to make it is sorta like that material, that one looks a little tougher tho..
I got a husky, dude goes through his toys like its nothing.

I guess just avoid toys with stuffing?

We'll get it for our dog, cause it's pretty cheap, and he LOVES it. He acts like its his destiny to remove all the stuffing and squeaker.

Perhaps use toys that have a water bottle inside or no stuffing at all. Or just rope or rubber toys.
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^Pretty much. When I had my pit I wouldn't even buy toys for him. I would just buy baseballs. One time I actually bought him a childs bowling ball and he demolished it in a year from picking it up then tossing it and just chewing on it. If a dog wants to tear something a new butthole they He also chewed thru a door once in a couple hours. 
metallic 5 vs. flu game 12? can't make up my mind, im waiting for money in my paypal account (technically it's already there, just not available...:smh: ) to get one of the two.
metallic 5 vs. flu game 12? can't make up my mind, im waiting for money in my paypal account (technically it's already there, just not available...:smh: ) to get one of the two.

metallic 5s if you are thinking bout getting the nubuck flu games, but if you are looking at a leather version the 12s
metallic 5 vs. flu game 12? can't make up my mind, im waiting for money in my paypal account (technically it's already there, just not available...
) to get one of the two.
metallic 5's all the way.
metallic 5 vs. flu game 12? can't make up my mind, im waiting for money in my paypal account (technically it's already there, just not available...:smh: ) to get one of the two.

V's because you're prbly talking about those ashy Larry "Flu game" xii's
i wasn't gonna dress up tonite, but ima put on my mets jersey and go as kamal from the jerky boys. f it. what ever happened to them tho? slapping each other w/ hot mops :rofl: still funny over 15yrs later.
any firefox users here (upated version of firefox)? how do you uncheck/disable the function where they store the website you copy and paste...:nerd:
My dad was doing some stuff in my backyard a few days ago and he left some charcoal briskets in a bowl.

My dog got a hold of one and chewed it up. Now, my dog has been coughing and choking for a couple of days. He can't play because he starts coughing a lot. My dad is seriously trying to blame my dog. >:
So my aunt/godmother was found on her bedroom floor by her son/ my cousin a minute or 2 after she collapsed. She stopped breathing and by the time the ambulance got there was she wasn't breathing and in responsive, they were able to bring her back but she's in a coma now. She's not showing brain activity. To make matters worst she's down south and we can't fly out till Monday cause of this ******g storm. My heads spinning.
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