the thread about nothing...

I do not know if it is called the "illuminati". However, I am certain that these celebrities signed their name in blood to be part of this club and are they are controlled.

Yeah the celebrity “handlers” conspiracies are interesting and there is some validity especially with child stars. Not sure if that’s the Pedo Mafia or Some MK Ultra stuff. I was heavily into that stuff for a while.

There was a blog that is not around anymore but was a celebrity dirt blog with different contributors under aliases. Supposedly Robert Downy Jr undear an alias exposed the whole grooming process and the pedo mafia. Some crazy ish too about Billy Ray having Miley ***** herself to the top since a child. And one executive casting agent refused to cast her for something and then Billy Ray forced Miley on him sexually and when dude refused they ended up flipping it on him and got him out of there. There was also this thing Project Butterfly or something which is supposed to be the celebrity mk Ultra thing. Interesting reads a lot of the info out there but a little sketchy on the factual evidence.

The Podesta **** is crazy though that audio and video of that man torturing a child is him.

A lot of crazy stuff out there. Can’t really say no for sure about anything really so much smoke and mirrors with media and the internet. I stay informed but stopped falling down the rabbit hole.

Edit: RDJ also listed the people in Hollywood that were against the handlers and the celebs that were part of program. I wish I could find that post. There was sooo much **** in it. It was from at least 5 years ago,
Bit of a stretch, though of course I do believe in control through blackmail, bribery, manipulation and such. But a blood pact? Yo!:smh:

Yeah the celebrity “handlers” conspiracies are interesting and there is some validity especially with child stars. Not sure if that’s the Pedo Mafia or Some MK Ultra stuff. I was heavily into that stuff for a while.

There was a blog that is not around anymore but was a celebrity dirt blog with different contributors under aliases. Supposedly Robert Downy Jr undear an alias exposed the whole grooming process and the pedo mafia. Some crazy ish too about Billy Ray having Miley ***** herself to the top since a child. And one executive casting agent refused to cast her for something and then Billy Ray forced Miley on him sexually and when dude refused they ended up flipping it on him and got him out of there. There was also this thing Project Butterfly or something which is supposed to be the celebrity mk Ultra thing. Interesting reads a lot of the info out there but a little sketchy on the factual evidence.

The Podesta **** is crazy though that audio and video of that man torturing a child is him.

A lot of crazy stuff out there. Can’t really say no for sure about anything really so much smoke and mirrors with media and the internet. I stay informed but stopped falling down the rabbit hole.

Edit: RDJ also listed the people in Hollywood that were against the handlers and the celebs that were part of program. I wish I could find that post. There was sooo much **** in it. It was from at least 5 years ago,

I don't know what takes place as part of these rituals. By "sign your name in blood", that doesn't literally mean a death sacrifice. All I know is there is some form of sacrifice. You do not get in just by being good-looking and or talented. To get into a gang or fraternity, you need to go through certain initiations or hazing. Imagine a much more exclusive club such as Hollywood.
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That haunted house sounds insane
That’s terrible. I always assumed that’s what it would be like if you got captured by the Narcos of the opposite cartel. ???
Damn HBO re-enacted the Tusla massacre...

People forgot about this slaughtered moment in history...
Man eff this stupid collarbone. 3.5 weeks post surgery still throbs every second of the day.

Anyway....religion makes a ton of sense for celebrities or people that are dealing with a ton of issues. It makes so much sense to be able to "live for jesus" or "give your problems to god". It innately takes things off your plate and helps placate the mind. So with Kanye it makes a ton of sense for him to take this route from a mental stability point of view. Same happens a lot when people get cancer or are super sick...or even just getting old and mortality becomes a real thought for them. It is really hard to come to grips with the fact that you are a meat pocket filled with bones that really has no greater purpose then to live and die on a rock that is flying through an infinite universe. People need a purpose...they need a reason...and religion fills that gap for a lot of people.

That being said if you couldn't tell im atheist :lol:
do people really sit on their wallet all day?


Someone siphoned gas out of my Prius early this morning. Got on the freeway and car went from half-full to empty. So, I took the nearest exit to find a gas station. Once I started to fill, gas started pouring out of the bottom. Based on this, I'm starting to believe that they actually took a piece out rather than drill holes, anybody ever go through this ****?
Someone siphoned gas out of my Prius early this morning. Got on the freeway and car went from half-full to empty. So, I took the nearest exit to find a gas station. Once I started to fill, gas started pouring out of the bottom. Based on this, I'm starting to believe that they actually took a piece out rather than drill holes, anybody ever go through this ****?
What do you mean by “took a piece out”?
What do you mean by “took a piece out”?
I'm not great with cars, but it seems like they removed a fuel line or something that connects to the tank. If it was drilled, I would've seen gas squirting out, but my gas poured out from under the tank. In any case, I gotta find my jack so I can see myself. What I pumped into the gas tank literally poured out soon after.
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