the thread about nothing...

My brother has been pulling cash out every paycheck and only leaving a little in the bank just in case. Wonder if it’s better to keep cash in hand rather than in the banks.
I can't tell you what the best course of action is. But money will lose a lot if it's value with all that is being printed non-stop with QE.
What’s up y’all. Didn’t really know where to post this and on an initial I search couldn’t find a thread devoted just towards restoration (apologies if that’s stupid on my part), so figured I would ask this here. If anybody has some insight and has done some restorations would appreciate some advice. I have a pair of LeBron II’s and the midsole is separating from the upper a little. What is the best way to go about restoring / regluing these together? I’ve seen recommendations for E6000 and Shoe Goo, but wanted to check if anybody had some guidance on best practices for doing this. Appreciate the help in advance y’all!

What’s up y’all. Didn’t really know where to post this and on an initial I search couldn’t find a thread devoted just towards restoration (apologies if that’s stupid on my part), so figured I would ask this here. If anybody has some insight and has done some restorations would appreciate some advice. I have a pair of LeBron II’s and the midsole is separating from the upper a little. What is the best way to go about restoring / regluing these together? I’ve seen recommendations for E6000 and Shoe Goo, but wanted to check if anybody had some guidance on best practices for doing this. Appreciate the help in advance y’all!

The banks would be first to bailed out again - plus he should be buying gold

He hasn’t pulled out that much, I don’t think. Don’t want to ask him since it’s not my business.

What’s up y’all. Didn’t really know where to post this and on an initial I search couldn’t find a thread devoted just towards restoration (apologies if that’s stupid on my part), so figured I would ask this here. If anybody has some insight and has done some restorations would appreciate some advice. I have a pair of LeBron II’s and the midsole is separating from the upper a little. What is the best way to go about restoring / regluing these together? I’ve seen recommendations for E6000 and Shoe Goo, but wanted to check if anybody had some guidance on best practices for doing this. Appreciate the help in advance y’all!


Tape around the leather to the shape of the midsole coming apart. Dip some q-tips in acetone to remove the old glue on both sides (rubber side and leather side). Use Barge Infinity cement glue and lightly coat both sides. Wait 10-15 minute before clamping sides together and hold closed with rubber bands or tape. Should be ready in an hour or two.
Wait... the government is printing money and not using their emergency funds?
Lol, that's terrible.

You might as well not receive any money at all cause the money won't have any value.
Did you go there before the lockdown? And are you concerned about travel bans?
Yep by fluke I left NYC the end of January before it got crazy. Somewhat concerned I might be heading out soon. So it's something to keep in mind.
Lol, explain
I dont know bro might be because I grew up with a lot of Mexican women in my family. And I have some weird mommy issues, maybe subconsciously I resist them. Dont get me wrong I've slept with a good amount but actual dating is another story. The ones specifically in Mexico city just run me the wrong way. Gassed up for no reason.
what attracted you to that one latina?
She was a solid chick and we just vibed really well. She had a lot going for her, and honestly I ****** it up with my cheating and anger. I was younger and just dumb as hell. I regret that one alot.
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