the thread about nothing...

in a perfect world
I believe you.
Yeah, not everyone is staying in. I was just thinking about the homeless and how I haven’t seen a single one wearing a mask. Is that because they aren’t aware of what’s going on? Or is it that no one has bothered to give them a mask? Or would they not wear one anyway if given to them? Sucks man, I feel awful seeing them out there like that.

“Black brothers often travel in droves; they are out at night out on the streets, nightclubs, and remote areas. They engage in drug trafficking, harassment of women, and fighting, which seriously disturbs law and order in Guangzhou… Africans have a high rate of AIDS and the Ebola virus that can be transmitted via body fluids… If their population [keeps growing], China will change from a nation-state to an immigration country, from a yellow country to a black-and-yellow country.”

Yes, but unfortunately people in this country are unwilling and unable to do so.
and as for places very spread out I get what y’all are trying to say but if you wanna kill the virus complete completely that month or even two won’t be the end of the world if that means completely getting rid of restrictions
And I get what you're saying because it's actually a very valid argument for a large chunk of the American population. People in densely-packed cities absolutely should be staying home, only leaving for essential activities of daily living, and accomplishing as much as possible in as little time as possible.

But people that live in the sticks don't have human contact like cities do. It's totally fine to go on a walk/run/bike ride if you're distancing yourself properly, and it's going to help your overall health by doing so. I think it's still reasonable to allow people to exercise some individual discretion.
And I get what you're saying because it's actually a very valid argument for a large chunk of the American population. People in densely-packed cities absolutely should be staying home, only leaving for essential activities of daily living, and accomplishing as much as possible in as little time as possible.

But people that live in the sticks don't have human contact like cities do. It's totally fine to go on a walk/run/bike ride if you're distancing yourself properly, and it's going to help your overall health by doing so. I think it's still reasonable to allow people to exercise some individual discretion.
I’ve never lived in the sticks to know, so maybe if it’s 1 crib per mile you could walk around. But when I’m looking out my window and see people with kids going to the park mask or maskless im thinking these are some goddamn imbeciles
I’ve never lived in the sticks to know, so maybe if it’s 1 crib per mile you could walk around. But when I’m looking out my window and see people with kids going to the park mask or maskless im thinking these are some goddamn imbeciles
Yeah of course, but if you're gonna hold NYC's standards to the middle America you're just gonna end up reinforcing the stereotype that people from NYC think they're the center of the universe.
I mean in both ways
People will really start to appreciate the little things such as going to the park and taking a walk on the beach and spending time with loved ones
But also, im assuming some people are gonna be socially awkward when everything opens up again. People won’t wanna spend money because times are uncertain. Some people might still be scared to go out and catch the virus still
People gonna change
Back in December I was at a park with my friends and it was crowded with people. The basketball courts were full, soccer fields, people jogging around, kids were on their bikes and running around. Not a single cell phone in sight. It was quite amazing :lol: Now I hope that’ll be more common once this is over.
Just copped espn plus for $4.99 a month. Wanted to watch the last dance. Peeping the content and I’m mad impressed.

like every 30 for 30 available for stream.

I’m currently watching De la Hoya vs Felix Trinidad fight. Michael buffer with the GOAT intro. I remember watching this live back in the day. The fight of the millennium :pimp:
Yeah of course, but if you're gonna hold NYC's standards to the middle America you're just gonna end up reinforcing the stereotype that people from NYC think they're the center of the universe.
The flip flop way of thinking is what’s the issue. Every place outside of nyc gonna say the same **** you’re saying. If it’s just nationwide everywhere then it finishes faster. Now if you have a front yard and outdoors property like you’re saying they do just hang out in that territory for a month it won’t kill you
Just copped espn plus for $4.99 a month. Wanted to watch the last dance. Peeping the content and I’m mad impressed.

like every 30 for 30 available for stream.

I’m currently watching De la Hoya vs Felix Trinidad fight. Michael buffer with the GOAT intro. I remember watching this live back in the day. The fight of the millennium :pimp:
Still need live TV to watch it in real time
Just realized I don’t have ESPN :frown:
How am I gonna watch the last dance

Netflix will release it one day after ESPN for international viewers.

You can use a VPN and log in your Netflix from another country to watch the last dance.

1 day delay though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What do you guys consider 'tall' for a woman?

I'm seeing girls on social media that are 5'7+ claiming to be tall for a female. While the average height for a female is about 5'4... give or take a couple CM because people inflate their height.

I remember having a debate with a friend and he considers women 5'9+ to be tall.
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