the thread about nothing...

Got to find happiness with the simple things sometimes, like buy one get one free cereal at the local grocers freezer.
Mad Men was one of the best things ever created for TV

For me it’s only second place to The Leftovers

Man that was the most confusing show ever, even more than Lost, they lost me when they got to the trailer park community. Read about the ending and I still dont get it
Man that was the most confusing show ever, even more than Lost, they lost me when they got to the trailer park community. Read about the ending and I still dont get it

They made a huge mistake with Lost promising explanations and stuff. The Leftovers is a character drama through and through.

All about the journey.
My barber is back on Monday at her new spot. Got my appt ready. I can't wait to get cleaned up.

LUCKY bastard , my joint pushed back like George Jefferson

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