the thread about nothing...

This is something I just knew, but never really put thought in it. They always made him "act" gay. Speaking of Spongebob, you ever had a Videonow? Had got a green one for my birthday on year & loved it, but man it was disappointing to realize the screen didn't have a backlight :lol:

:lol: I vaguely remember those things. How many episodes would those things hold?
Heard this explosive noise earlier and it was a car crash around my block.
Something similar like this happened at my old in apartments. 00's stuff so kids use being outside wasn't uncommon. For whatever reason we were all in the front of the complex & most our parents weren't home & outta nowhere there went a loud. BOOM! Life-alerting ****, heart sank, face felt hot, haven't been that frightened since.

Anyway, all they kids scrambled like roaches in a house (wild funny scene thinking back). I ran to my place, but I didn't have my key & my mom was at work, so i had to run all the way across complex to my best friend(s) house. Mind you I was literally the only person outside at that point, some of those kids ditched their bikes n everything. I reached my friends house scared as **** & started banging on the door & screaming "LET ME IN, LET ME IN, LET ME IN, LET ME IN!" They did let me, and made me something to eat since they never really saw me lose my cool.

Later that day it was revealed to have just been car crash nearby, but man that **** was crazy loud & terrifying.

Love my weekend runs but as soon as I get home I literally don’t wanna do anything else lol
I was gonna go get my watch resized and check out this iPhone repair store.
Been watching Fast and Furious all day 😂
Just ordered the Occulus Quest. Will be my first video game system i’ve ever purchased or owned in my life! Set to arrive in about 10 days. The wifey gonna be gone about 1.5 months on vaca to her homeland.

In order of excited to try out:
1. VR pron
2. Creed boxing game
3. Vader Immortal
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