the thread about nothing...


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This is something I just knew, but never really put thought in it. They always made him "act" gay. Speaking of Spongebob, you ever had a Videonow? Had got a green one for my birthday on year & loved it, but man it was disappointing to realize the screen didn't have a backlight :lol:
He’s not actually gay. They’re just doing it for attention. The OG creator even said he’s asexual:

Ex from 6-7 years ago messaged me yesterday night. FOH. We haven’t talked since and she wants to connect because of everything that’s happening.

Haven’t fully read her message yet. Will probably just respond politely and dead her. I’m good.
Ex from 6-7 years ago messaged me yesterday night. FOH. We haven’t talked since and she wants to connect because of everything that’s happening.

Haven’t fully read her message yet. Will probably just respond politely and dead her. I’m good.

Pics? How y'all break up?
Pics? How y'all break up?

We grew apart and I ended it. Not an easy choice to make but i think it was the right one.

She became really petty after that and it wasn’t good. Shortly after we fully stopped talking, she got me off all social media and everything (which i don’t mind).

I just find it really weird she messaged me out of the blue like that.
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