the thread about nothing...

Had 2 beers last night and I was feeling myself lol posted a black and white pic around midnight 😂

That boy a lightweight now lol
Feeling cute? Might delete later?? :lol:
For my folks who got their wisdom teeth removed, how long were you in pain?

I have to get All 4 taken out and my supervisor said I should probably take a few days off Cause she was messed up .

I planned to only take the Wednesday I get them removed off 🤨

I don’t remember how many days exactly but I would take the rest of the week off to make sure (but it depends on your job).

Put ice for 15 minutes every hour after the surgery to limit the swelling. My main issue was eating so make sure you stack up on soup and what not.

I was completely pain free after a few days (like 2 or 3) but it really depends on how your body reacts as some people take longer to recover.

Make sure you do everything they tell you post surgery (cleaning, antibiotics, etc.), you do not want that **** to get infected.
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