the thread about nothing...

my god, those calves:

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I have never really checked out calves on I can't really tell what's top shelf. So I'm wondering what about her calves is making you so hot & heavy? Free feel to be as descriptive as you like.
I have never really checked out calves on I can't really tell what's top shelf. So I'm wondering what about her calves is making you so hot & heavy? Free feel to be as descriptive as you like.
Shape, size & definition. Beautiful legs. She has beautiful body in general though.
Yeah I did, I already knew he was going to be in a mood :lol: “I’ll just deal with it tomorrow” was what I told myself.
I'm starting to do that as well.. I'm noticing now that almost all of my phone conversations are either one sided.. (the person on the other end is constantly complaining and I got to agree with everything they said or else) or someone called me to complain about me.. :rofl:
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