the thread about nothing...

Recently had my roof replaced. Had some hiccups throughout but the end product was great. They asked me to review them on several platforms and gave them a 4 out of 5 stars with my honest opinion. Owner replies to my review salty as ****.


What were the hiccups if you don’t mind sharing?
What were the hiccups if you don’t mind sharing?
Workers went into my garage and used a plastic tote to lug pieces of roofing without asking.
Left nails and garbage all over my property
Didn't replace 2 gutters and leaders when everything was supposed to be replaced.
Removed a chimney without consulting if it was safe or not with a professional, it wasn't. Apparently carbon monoxide vents through chimneys from water heaters. His excuse for removing the chimney was that I authorized it. FOH I'm a civilian, he's the expert.
Workers went into my garage and used a plastic tote to lug pieces of roofing without asking.
Left nails and garbage all over my property
Didn't replace 2 gutters and leaders when everything was supposed to be replaced.
Removed a chimney without consulting if it was safe or not with a professional, it wasn't. Apparently carbon monoxide vents through chimneys from water heaters. His excuse for removing the chimney was that I authorized it. FOH I'm a civilian, he's the expert.

But did you authorize it?
But did you authorize it?

I did. I asked him if it could be done, he said yes. He was the one to even recommend it when he was bidding out the job. So I authorized it.

It's like me going to a car mechanic asking if I can remove the exhaust and he says yes. What do I know, I'm not a mechanic, lol.
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