the thread about nothing...

I don’t know about the modern ones because the hobby now requires you to mail them to a place where “experts” examine their condition and give them a “grade” from 1-10. They have to be in 8.5 condition or better for them to be worth some money. The really old ones carry for value but then the demand for them is what determines how much. There are 2 different companies that do the bulk of appraising them but I can’t remember the names, google them. I would send mine in but they’ll return them to you individually encased in hard plastic, hardly a space saver like our binders, lol.

Edit: Last I checked that Magic/Bird rookie card averages $300 in ungraded condition but once “graded” it should be much higher.
$300 as a start sounds good. I can def see it hitting a grand if the right buyer were to come along. Thanks for the info. I'm going to google the 2 companies you mentioned, just type in keywords & see what comes up. Binders are the way to go with this stuff lol
I absolutely agree with you on this. Anyone who bullies or harms someone else who is less powerful when it was never warranted is a weak a%$ loser. People who commit malicious acts on others should have something bad happen to them in return, they should even die in some cases.

Now I'm OK with someone doing something malicious or bad to someone else only if it's predicated on justifiable revenge as long as it doesn't go too far or extreme.

I also hate people who prey on others who aren't knowledgeable or vulnerable in some scenarios to make a significant gain off them regarding business matters. I feel both sides should benefit in a deal for the sake of fairness. Although not all deals will result in both sides benefiting equally, there should never be a great disparity between both sides at least. I equate people who knowingly get over on other people as pedophiles and rapists because I see it as taking advantage of someone who's vulnerable, the only difference is it wasn't sexual, but it's still not justifiable regardless.

Now I'm cool with anyone getting over on corporations by gaming the system or knowing about a flaw because it's an infrastructure and not an individual. Corporations are better equipped to sustain losses because they're deep pocketed and have insurance whereas individuals aren't because that's money or goods directly tied to them and they don't have money or the means to replace what they lost to someone who got over on them.
Agree with everything. Deep pocket corporations will be just fine even if someone does hustle em a lil here n there. Conniving your way to profits & giving the other guy less of what they rightfully deserve is wrong. Pedophiles & rapists have absolutely 0 forgiveness bar none, NO MATTER WHAT
danger style danger style ahat ahat A aham

Was talking to kids before we started class and we were talking about stuff we have been watching as of late.

One boy says, "I am literally watching Black Lightning right now."

Me: Why are you watching that during class?

Him: I don't mean literally right now, right now. But I am watching it.

Me: Well, unless you meant RIGHT now, why use the word literally?

Hope he learned his lesson.
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danger style danger style ahat ahat A aham

Was talking to kids before we started class and we were talking about stuff we have been watching as of late.

One boy says, "I am literally watching Black Lightening right now."

Me: Why are you watching that during class?

Him: I don't mean literally right now, right now. But I am watching it.

Me: Well, unless you meant RIGHT now, why use the word literally?

Hope he learned his lesson.

i hated teachers like you
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