the thread about nothing...

I remember watching Death Proof with one of my boys. Dude watched the whole movie, in silence, with the stone face. I’m thinking he wasn’t feeling it. As soon as the credits rolled, “Bruh that was a hard *** movie!”
i think there was more to the story
Dude definitely had some pent up anger towards them. Especially as neighbors. Definitely one of the crazier videos I’ve ever seen.
Yeah, you might be right. To kill people for putting snow onto your property? Calling that extreme would be an understatement. They probably had some history with one another through the years. The snow was the final straw for Mr. Psycho. I couldn't believe the title at first & it saddened me to know it's true.
Was in the boondocks I think out in Plains Township. I guess there was a history of tension between them. The couple definitely went too far and then paid the price. Never know when someone is on the edge of snapping. Their 15 year old son was home when they got capped. Crazy all around.
Oh ok so it wasn't actually in Philly. Agreed, there's got to be some sort of history of tension with them. The lady yelling "go ahead go ahead" definitely didn't help. Like you said you never know when someone is on the edge of snapping + this pandemic and year of tragedy isn't helping no one. That poor kid man, what an everlasting memory that'll be.
You can visit the past or you can visit the future. Pick one.
Two would be disappointing in different ways, not to good to really learn too much about the past, and if we visit the future that must change our vision and we would feel a gap going back to the present.

The past is not as great as we think. And why skipping the present to go to the future ? It would mean that version of the future is generated without our acts in the present, it's an alternative version of the future. So we're just spectators ?

Love Back to the Future I & II, so, based on this, Past or Future are acceptable but the third one wasn't my cup of tea so not too much before our time.

It would be more exciting to slide in parallel worlds, but watching someone visiting time like Samuel Beckett or Marty McFly is still entertaining.

And the concept of The Butterfly Effect too. Even the one from different angles we saw in some movies. The idea of interacting and influe is very interesting and terryfing but the concept of being a spectator like in Scrooged permits to have no responsibility but to just earn knowledge and be a better person...

And if the same day comes over and over, are the choices we would make will be the good ones, or just the ones we calculated in order to exit this time spiral like in some days of the Groundhog Day ? Visiting time is not without risks Marty...

But if I had to be concise and stick to the question I would say the past, prohibition period, love the atmosphere of movies I saw in this timelapse, or near this period.
sliders.jpg Butterflyeffect_poster.jpg quantum.jpg scrooged.jpg groundhog.jpg alm.jpg rules.jpg amores-perros-7-449x640-1.jpg chinatown.jpg miller-s-crossing-affiche.jpg

Key & Peele are really good and versatile
kp.jpg outkast.jpg kp2.jpg
Love their humor on different levels, great acting, lines and even visually or the way they use their voice

What are your feelings about them ?
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