the thread about nothing...

Tried out my capture card today that I got from a lucky giftcard a while ago and streamed some Mortal Kombat 11 ranked matches.
Really surprised at the viewer numbers. I was expecting maybe a handful at most but it turned out to average at 63 and maxed out at 77.

the edibles i ate were good. too good, i'm still fairly high. the only thing i remember about saturday is sitting up & realizing how high i still was. i don't want to be this smizzed again.
The only possibility about the OG trilogy for me would be V, VI with sexy slave Leia is kind of disturbing as they made her sexy only now she is a slave, that's weird + even if I like Ewoks in some way, they were clearly put there for merchandising, the IV lack of confidence + about weirdness, Luke trying to have Leia as he doesn't know she is her sister, and his lack of charism in comparison to Han Solo makes him look weak while everything was in the V, and I'm not even a Star Wars fan, but Hoth, Hoth is cold ( :s ), and other things I can't remind right now, but V is like IV on amphetamines and VI is like IV the day after cooking
Oh and don't forget about Wampa and TaunTaun


sw iv.jpg

With all that said results don't match my favorite :lol:
For me, and we're a lot to have this order of preferences I think :


And if I'm correct Death Star in IV and VI, which means V is unique for this / And Luke is more dark in V for what I remember
I had a dream like Shannen Doherty in TV movies where she is chased:

A female character is being pursued, it's not me, but I feel like it's me, she finds refuge in a house she has been in before, and her assailant can appear from the left or the right (like the boss of Doom 2), the left being by the window, the right by a mini corridor, he arrives by his left, with her revolver she shoots but has no ammunition (which happened to me with another weapon during part of Ultimate Doom Episode 2 last night facing the boss), suddenly she uses what was lying on a coffee table, one or two glass bottles, and smashes it or them on him but freaks out because the body disappears instantly , so she doesn't know if she killed him or if he's still alive (in some FPS the bodies disappear due to the memory it would have required = GoldenEye on N64), she goes to the front door to run away, then barely comes out and retraces her steps, although it is probably not safe, but something is wrong forces her to do so.

Resident Evil 4 / Silent Hill color palette, assailant reminiscent of Mr X / Nemesis in stature and movement.

Ah, video games. Good times :lol:



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