the thread about nothing...

Fascinating 400 out of 1,000 think they can ‘compete’ in the Olympics


Were popular choices

This is like when that tall dude from your HS who the coach had to tell to stay in the paint says years later he could’ve been a knockdown 3pt shooter if the coach had just given him a chance :smh:
Funny when you're bad at a game and have a moment you don't listen to advices and astonish everyone including yourself by winning the round :rofl:

Also funny when leader of your team asking for advices...

Funny when you're bad at a game and have a moment you don't listen to advices and astonish everyone including yourself by winning the round :rofl:

Also funny when leader of your team asking for advices...

watching these videos frustrate me. I was a decently good player @CS Go. pee shooter here.
It's wild how kids that kill animals are referred to as disturbed but when they get older and rich, it's considered 'sport'. Psychopathic behavior on both fronts imo.
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