the thread about nothing...

My teachings on history typically stems from art, most notably music & film. I say that to say that this life **** is like a loop. Yeah there's subtle difference, but ppl are really doing & arguing the same ****. Idk if left is ment to be improved or just change in aesthetics.
“Theres nothing new under the sun..”
Not going to sit here and act like I watched every game closely or I live in Boston but from what I've seen before he caught covid Cam looked fine to me. That's just my limited observation though
Went off on my coworkers
Just a reminder that this corporate America **** ain’t for me
I be quite and just do my little job in peace
I be in my own world you just happen to be around and visible :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But they don’t pay me enough for me to feel like you are trying to play me on some sucka **** and I’m going to just let it slide

Made my presence very felt today :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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I tried a Mochi donut and it is an overpricrd gimmick IMO. Tastes like a regular donut but more chewy and costs 3 times as much.
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