the thread about nothing...

Im listening to some 90 British trip-hop(Portishead, Massive Attack, EBTG), either British women are a different breed or dudes write the lyrics for these songs. A lot of them are about women apologizing. *Phone lights on fire for even typing those words next to each other*

He's been on the other side of it too

Love the shade of red they went with this release, much darker and a true red. The og version I remember was more orange-ish and thought it kinda clashed with Iversons uniform. You’ve officially inspired me to break out my 2013 retro white/navy blue pair today 🤗

Will watch later because I’m genuinely interested. I grew up watching this show when new and stopped caring after the 12th season. I feel like season 3 to 10 was their best.
I couldn't even say which seasons I like, I used to watch it as a kid, as a teen, but as an adult I'm not sure, I just can remember there were 2 kind of periods, one with the first episodes with maybe more serious themes ? And more recent with a lot of gags per minute ?
I have difficulties to watch animes right now, I got to watch actors, humans. If movie isn't great at least it helps.
Miles Rawls

Breaking News! It's official, coach Kenny Blakeney, mens basketball coach at Howard University, has just informed me that the AD has agree to my terms to become the PA announcer of the Howard Bison men's basketball teams home games. My first game is October 28th, he told me to push the envelope! History in the making @ HU Men's basketball games.

VARNELL HILL VARNELL HILL I'll probably roll up there with Derrick. Let me know what you trying to do.
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I couldn't even say which seasons I like, I used to watch it as a kid, as a teen, but as an adult I'm not sure, I just can remember there were 2 kind of periods, one with the first episodes with maybe more serious themes ? And more recent with a lot of gags per minute ?
I have difficulties to watch animes right now, I got to watch actors, humans. If movie isn't great at least it helps.
You probably noticed a change for the wackiest after season 13. They were not as funny and you could tell they were running out new material.
When they said 18 players - I just knew the Bug Baby was on that list -

Then he goes and does this :lol:

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