the thread about nothing...

aside from a now congested market, too many options and competition, Pizza Hut's customer service is really bad. we got one close to our place that I now refuse to buy from considering how bad/nasty their staff is. just by posting, it just reminded me that it's time to put up a really bad review with that franchisee,
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Not really into any of the main pizza chains like that but that 5,5,5 from domino's came in handy many moons ago. **** with them Cinnastix though
anyone know how to fix notifications here ? don't know if others are having the same issue but i can't read mine and get new ones. no star letting me know what's new, no getting rid of what's read, just a constant build up of notifications. just wondering if it's just me ...
anyone know how to fix notifications here ? don't know if others are having the same issue but i can't read mine and get new ones. no star letting me know what's new, no getting rid of what's read, just a constant build up of notifications. just wondering if it's just me ...
They changed the system slightly. Previously when you clicked on the notifications, itd clear them all and mark them all as read, regardless of if you actually opened that thread or not.

Now the system only lowers the amount of notifications by 1 based on each new notification you check out. It also removes that notification from the list totally. Previously it would just mark the notification as read but remained on the list.

I much prefer this new system.
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