the thread about nothing...

Had to CC somebody boss on an email to get a response , I feel like a snitch and I HATE when people do that smh lol

We do it all the time at my job when someone is being a lazy jackass! It’s what we hate about group tasks or if certain people keep f’ing up and causing delays in our dept. Once the higher ups start breathing down our neck, they’ve forced our hand.
You couldn't get your boss to do it? That's what I do if run into red tape from a different department lol
Feels equally snitchish to go to your boss imo. Plus I'd rather not put something on their plate that I can handle. So CC a boss it is if you've ignored 3 previous or some combination of emails/calls/time lapsed that seems excessive.
Feels equally snitchish to go to your boss imo. Plus I'd rather not put something on their plate that I can handle. So CC a boss it is if you've ignored 3 previous or some combination of emails/calls/time lapsed that seems excessive.
Eh, I don't really care about the "snitch" aspect. We here to get a job done and I ain't falling behind because somebody else is lazy/non responsive.

I guess my relationship with my boss is different.
I'm on a couple of different steering committees with my boss who is a director and her bosses who are vps. I do a ton of the legwork in organizing and facilitating meetings. When I run into the roadblocks in the form of someone in another dept not responding to my email, my boss tells me to follow up and cc her. I usually get a response within the hour. I hate that ****. There's no way you didn't see my first two emails.
Some of these companies need to get a grip
Friend of mine tested positive for Covid and his employer ordered him by email to show up to work anyway (knowing that he has to take public transport) and just "sit further away" from coworkers

It's a desk job.
I would understand if it's not deskjob, but having someone to come to work a job they can do from home is highly irresponsible and stupid. This omicron variant is really highly contagious. My wife and I could be infected already considering the symptoms. We had patients that died already because of it and got us potentially infected as well. We are already stretched with fewer manpower nd beds getting filled up. Companies like that are not helping us either. I have been working 4 consecutive back to back shifts. My other co workers been working 22 straight days with some back to back shifts. Some of them doing a triple. People have really gone complacent. Personally speaking, the omicron strand is still fatal regardless of the so called numbers. Mind you that cases are not reported even if multiple units have cases if the number per unit is less than 5 people. How crazy is that.
2022 and people still leaving their cars unlocked in their drive-way. Just saw a posting on a local IG page of security cameras catching a thief opening two cars parked in a drive-way and stealing some contents that were inside. Unbelievable!

My friend from high school was like that. He’d leave his car windows halfway down. Why? Because he doesn’t like “getting into a warm car”. Lucky for him no one ever took anything or stole the damn thing. It was a 1985 Corvette.
Getting annoyed with these recurring agency's calling my phone with their pitiful offers. Either meet my rate or leave me alone
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