the thread about nothing...

Going food shopping while hungry makes me want to buy anything that is at least slightly appealing to me, which isn’t good because I don’t want to overdo it on items that aren’t entirely necessary.
Parenting and instilling a sense of reality can predicate a kid's success or failure. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." adage will always be logical and valid.

I feel sorry for a classmate from high school who was really nice to me for blowing his chance at a free education at USC by flunking out when he got a full scholarship for playing football. I last heard he ended up at a community college in L.A. after USC.

His failure at USC can be attributed to his dad who was an uneducated loser who also worked at our high school in a servitude job. His dad was despised by many students there because he was a jerk who unnecessarily persecuted kids for petty juvenile issues when his job wasn't tied to discipline. He was just a loser who needed to feel important.

I really knew his dad was stupid and not a fit parent because he actually attended our prom. It's not appropriate for a parent to attend their kid's prom because it's an event strictly for students.

Another reason his dad was an idiot is the fact that he dressed up nicely for his son's prom, but he wore raggedy street clothes that looked like his work clothes at our graduation. Parents should always wear something presentable at a graduation.

That guy really failed as a dad. It's pathetic he basked in his son's temporary success at the high school level. Providing support is cool, but you still have to have a sense of reality and foresight as a parent.

I can tell his dad told him to only focus on football and he would be set for life. Too bad he didn't teach his son that the NFL isn't a formality for most people aspiring to make it there.

Too bad he was too stupid to teach his son that he had the perfect fallback scenario with a free education at USC had he focused on academics because there are no guarantees with sports. His dad was too stupidly delusional for assuming the NFL was in his son's destiny.

His dad was basically one of those losers who dreamed their kid had a ticket out of the ghetto with playing ball. The odds are so low with that because a kid has to be supremely talented to make it to a pro league.
Avy changed..


I believe you. The 1994 Northridge 7.0 quake had me up out of my bed and screaming to the top of my lungs that early morning. If I was assigned a role in that movie I would be “panicky idiot #1” :lol::blush:
LoL. I think I remember my last one. was with an ex in bed sleeping. initial jolt didn't do it, then the bed started shaking violently like a scene from the exorcist which then got me starting to move. funny part though maybe from being to sleepy or not yet in a state of panic, I even bothered to look for my shoes instead of running out immediately. it got too crazy afterwards though as it was a huge one since we couldn't run anymore considering how strong the quake was, I just held my ex around my arms as we stood between the door beam. thankfully it stopped. just imagine people in Japan have to go through this frequently in their lives.
I read that as “Stone Temple” at first. Thought you were at a concert or something. Wth is wrong with me.
just imagine people in Japan have to go through this frequently in their lives.
That’s got to feel terrible no matter how often they experience tremors. California is known for them but usually too small to panic. Japan’s quakes are a different animal.

Today's Run
I know it was a scenic run but seeing the map cracked me up. Reminds me of cartoons when they show someone traveling cross the country and they go in some wacky directions 😂😂
I know it was a scenic run but seeing the map cracked me up. Reminds me of cartoons when they show someone traveling cross the country and they go in some wacky directions 😂😂
😂 It was far from scenic. All cooperate companies & a small neighborhood next to the hotel. Got lost too. Run ended in the middle of nowhere lol. I don't run with my phone so I just started cutting through the companies and winding streets.
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