the thread about nothing...

Speaking of MTV reality shows in the early 00's, I was in HS and met this guy who went to another school near me where an episode of Made was filmed. Guy told me how the camera crew would make them re-shoot scenes for the show (it's a supposed reality show taking place in a High School so crew must have gotten permission from the administration in exchange for $$ I'm sure) and straight up lie about their relationships with the main person being profiled.
They're all fake. Knew a guy that went on house hunters. They filmed it after they had already been living in the house that they "chose" in the end but had all their stuff moved out.
From what I remember about the story around 2015 or ‘16, a lot of the Martin Skreli and Wutang drama was played out over videos, news stories, and tweets. This is gonna be a documentary >D
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