the thread about nothing...

you also can ask Dino for help.
Only played the video game a few times when I was a child. But the reviews look good. Do I have to watch 1 to follow along?
I haven’t seen Sonic yet. Ditto with just playing the games as a kid. I recently watched The Batman movie and I wasn’t impressed. It was cool and all but the new guy doesn’t strike me as a good fit to play Batman. The whole thing felt lower tier for that franchise.

Grateful to have my Pops in my life. Showed me how to navigate this crazy world. Wish y'all a happy Fathers Day NT.
Mine is a mixed bag. Has good days and some really bad ones. I’m glad I still have him though.
Just had lunch with him and my bro. We went through all this trouble by making a bunch of food only for my sister to take the nephews to their father because she “has to go to a concert”. They were there maybe 15 minutes and bounced. She didn’t even bring a gift.
I listed 2 pieces of furniture on FB Marketplace to clear out some space and immediately got hit up by scammers. It’s not like I’m selling antique pieces, just a used IKEA shelf unit and a Costco futon.
For it's time of release I think Tokyo Drift was as good as it was going to get...for that era what could they have done to better that one? The VeilSide RX-7 though :pimp:

I actually saw TD in theater with a buddy of mine. He liked it. Over the years, it just never grew on me.

I’ve always thought the 2nd F&F was the worst one. I’m cool with all the films now though.

I'm partial to that one due in part to the beginning. That Skyline, MKIV and RX-7 were :pimp:
I’ve always thought the 2nd F&F was the worst one. I’m cool with all the films now though.
Lmao, a lot of people feel the same way about the 2nd. Tyrese was the star of that one. It had a few god racing scenes but yeah, overall it was cheesy af. I always felt the first 3 films could only have been made in their respective times. Like 1 2 & 3 could not possibly be made today. From swag of the main characters & how they dressed to the the cheesy *** acting(it was even cheesier back then because they were all pretty bad actors + they were young & inexperienced acting wise) to the way cats were modding their cars back then...none of the can be replicated now. All 3 were cheesy & laughable but #1 & #3 went on to become so f'ing legendary in their own ways :lol: . Fun fact both Letty & Mia didn't know how to drive before the filming of the 1st film began & had to take driving lessons & get their licenses before showing up on set.
I just watched Morbius. Its not AS bad as people make it. Damn sure isn’t Endgame either. My only takeaway: I can no longer take Tyrese seriously.:lol: I giggled every time he was on screen.
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