the thread about nothing...

Man, I can’t believe a Goodwill raised their prices on music cd’s to $3.99 scratches and all :lol: :smh:
Might as well go to used media stores where they sell better with condition in mind for the same price. I don’t get how Goodwill has to raise their prices when all this stuff is free to them.
Man, I can’t believe a Goodwill raised their prices on music cd’s to $3.99 scratches and all :lol: :smh:
Might as well go to used media stores where they sell better with condition in mind for the same price. I don’t get how Goodwill has to raise their prices when all this stuff is free to them.
They get more and more crap as people look for extra dollars, selling things to pawn shops and stumbling upon their crap to bring to Goodwill. Inflation.
They get more and more crap as people look for extra dollars, selling things to pawn shops and stumbling upon their crap to bring to Goodwill. Inflation.
Goodwill stores don’t just sell crap. They sell clothing, shoes, toys, household items, furniture, electronics...etc. All of it donated and they sell very well because I see the lines at the registers. I just question how the mom & pop music stores keep their prices low while having to pay for the items people bring them to re-sell. Meanwhile, Goodwill’s inventory is 100 percent free.
No, but they get donated broken things and crap. Amongst the stuff that’s good.
It’s a very small percentage of it arrives that way. In fact, they prevent that from happening by denying it at the donations center. I’ve seen employees inspect the stuff and give back what they don’t want or aren’t allowed to sell. Salvation Army is known for turning working items away simply because they don’t have room in their stores. Vacuums, microwaves, tv’s...etc.
The best things I ever found at a goodwill were a pair of 2015 neon am 95 (in my size) and one of those star wars force fx sabers for 20 bucks.
I sold the 95s for 200 eventually
I still have the light saber.

I also saw a pair of Nike garnetts from 1998 in a size 9 once. Things were wearable too. That was like 4 years ago.
The best things I ever found at a goodwill were a pair of 2015 neon am 95 (in my size) and one of those star wars force fx sabers for 20 bucks.
I sold the 95s for 200 eventually
I still have the light saber.

I also saw a pair of Nike garnetts from 1998 in a size 9 once. Things were wearable too. That was like 4 years ago.
Nice finds! I’ve found some gems there too and posted some pics in here. You just have to go there often now that resellers are all over the place. I just happen to beat this one reseller to the video game section and picked up these Nintendo GameCube games at a great price, in fact the lady at the register only charged me for 3 of them.
Kinna wanna stop by the Goodwill and see what they have now. Haven't been there in years. Last thing I bought were a couple books on Chicago.
Man, I can’t believe a Goodwill raised their prices on music cd’s to $3.99 scratches and all :lol: :smh:
Might as well go to used media stores where they sell better with condition in mind for the same price. I don’t get how Goodwill has to raise their prices when all this stuff is free to them.
I'm sure they'll use "inflation" as the reason

The way he jogs back is so frikkin on point :rofl:
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