the thread about nothing...

I feel this, have never fake laughed at anyone's joke cuz gotta keep it real at all times. Will usually just nod then start talking about something else :lol:
yea, not a full "laugh" but just a huh, smile and nod like you mentioned.
dude thought it was some good-nature ribbing at my expense, but today i was not feeling it. maybe, it was also the fact that he brought us in for a group meeting for about an hr that really could have been condensed to 15 minutes
Lol l was watching this vid when all of a sudden a screenshot of NT popped up, good thing dude didn't have the site name

my boss makes the same corny jokes and recycling the same material. all of us usually just fake laughing, but today i had to give him the stoneface :stoneface: **** was kinda awkward :lol:
At my workplace I haven’t really noticed anything like that. If anything, the boss is often the butt of the joke. There’s surprisingly no sucking up to the boss that I can tell.
It’s a very casual workplace culture.
I work at an HR software company btw, as a software tester.
idk who needs to hear this but credit scores are only about as old as you are and do not transfer between countries.
I always found Americans’ use of credit cards weird.
I hardly know anyone who has a credit card, and if they do it’s because some online foreign purchases require it. I’ve also only ever seen it used once in a store, which was an electronics store.

Most stores don’t even accept credit cards here.
At my workplace I haven’t really noticed anything like that. If anything, the boss is often the butt of the joke. There’s surprisingly no sucking up to the boss that I can tell.
It’s a very casual workplace culture.
I work at an HR software company btw, as a software tester.
my workplace needs some of that culture as I feel like we are in prison. too many stupid rules and some people just can't take a joke. sometimes, I just want to bring to scold people just to be more laxed. besides, we are not getting paid more for acting like....


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