the thread about nothing...

Got a delayed email from Nike on a pair of dunks that were already delivered a week ago 😳 Nike acct shows preparing for shipment
blacklion23 blacklion23 I’m sorry to hear about your tax problem. The IRS are really just bullies. My mom has been making payments to them for the last 15 years and it’s mainly paid off the interest and hardly any of the original “debt” :smh:
Damn... how did your mom get so much tax debt she's been paying it off for 15 years?
Damn... how did your mom get so much tax debt she's been paying it off for 15 years?

She was working as a nanny/housekeeper and her boss asked her to work instead for her new business. She didn’t want employees on the “books” and listed my mom as an “independent contractor” even though she only worked for her. Anyway, this meant she had to pay a different number for taxes but she never did because she didn’t know how it worked. It even got to the point where California was asking my mom to pay taxes for the business that her boss owned, it was a big mess.
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