the thread about nothing...

whenever I hear a man say they cant/never have changed a flat tire, it boggles my mind
it is literally one of the easiest things you can do

I used to work in a railroad yard
we had shared suvs to get around
since its ballast/gravel, you puncture tires all the time
we had stations in the yard to change to new tires when you got a flat
I changed tires like twice a week for a year
so about 100 times you could say

so just practice one time, and youre set, its that easy
no excuse
Explain. Links?

Im going try to keep it brief, but it goes into "forbidden" or "non-canon" books of the bible, The Lesser Key Solomon is one. If you know the story of Solomon, he built a temple. He was also a Freemason. It was said he used demons to build the temple. This is where the fear of Free Masons come from. But according to that, demons are just here to scare us or kill us or take our souls..yadda yadda. They just want to get you away from God. Thats is. Not even for eternity. They're just petty God haters. In fact, they will even do "good" things for you, they just want you to believe it was you who did it instead of God. So possessing random people and making them spit up blood doesn't even make sense in the grand scheme. If demon possession is a thing, they would posses leaders to lead people away from the church. Like leaders of the church, for example.

whenever I hear a man say they cant/never have changed a flat tire, it boggles my mind
it is literally one of the easiest things you can do

I used to work in a railroad yard
we had shared suvs to get around
since its ballast/gravel, you puncture tires all the time
we had stations in the yard to change to new tires when you got a flat
I changed tires like twice a week for a year
so about 100 times you could say

so just practice one time, and youre set, its that easy
no excuse

everyone picks and chooses what to learn and that’s pretty low on the priority list. i’ve only had a flat tire on the road once in 25ish years of driving - and i called geico - it’s really not something that happens often enough to warrant it as a must know. I could sit there on the side of the road watching youtube figuring it out but why do that when every insurance company offers roadside assistance to deal with exactly these sort of things.

our world has moved away from that general how to knowledge and toward specialized knowledge.

I still agree with you tho lol people should know how to do it tho. but to me it’s equally baffling when people don’t know how to get or maintain a 800 credit score. It’s like the most basic thing in my head. what is basic just depends on what circumstances you’ve been around.
whenever I hear a man say they cant/never have changed a flat tire, it boggles my mind
it is literally one of the easiest things you can do

I used to work in a railroad yard
we had shared suvs to get around
since its ballast/gravel, you puncture tires all the time
we had stations in the yard to change to new tires when you got a flat
I changed tires like twice a week for a year
so about 100 times you could say

so just practice one time, and youre set, its that easy
no excuse
everyone picks and chooses what to learn and that’s pretty low on the priority list. i’ve only had a flat tire on the road once in 25ish years of driving - and i called geico - it’s really not something that happens often enough to warrant it as a must know. I could sit there on the side of the road watching youtube figuring it out but why do that when every insurance company offers roadside assistance to deal with exactly these sort of things.

our world has moved away from that general how to knowledge and toward specialized knowledge.

I still agree with you tho lol people should know how to do it tho. but to me it’s equally baffling when people don’t know how to get or maintain a 800 credit score. It’s like the most basic thing in my head. what is basic just depends on what circumstances you’ve been around.
I work in a field where we make repairs and use tools, some simple, some a little more complex.

My coworker has 2 grown sons and he says neither know how to change a tire. But they both make more than he and I so knowing how to change that tire got us real far...

Sweat to God, when I heard that I was pretty certain that I'd like to steer my children to be masters at 2 or 3 things and whatever about everything else.

It says a lot to be well versed in many a topic, but **** is general knowledge really gonna get you in this world? Itll make people think more of you? What can you buy/own with someone's high opinion of you? Not a damn thing
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Mase and Cam. Bet the jokes and punchlines would be good. Damnit, I’d settle for a mixtape with old beats 😂
I work in a field where we make repairs and use tools, some simple, some a little more complex.

My coworker has 2 grown sons and he says neither know how to change a tire. But they both make more than he and I so knowing how to change that tire got us real far...

Sweat to God, when I heard that I was pretty certain that I'd like to steer my children to be masters at 2 or 3 things and whatever about everything else.

It says a lot to be well versed in many a topic, but **** is general knowledge really gonna get you in this world? Itll make people think more of you? What can you buy/own with someone's high opinion of you? Not a damn thing


It used to pay to be handy and to know how to be “well rounded” in terms of knowledge. The people that made a lot of money were “business men” that had to communicate a lot.

Nowadays, totally agree that being extra super super specialized gets you the more sure fire path to getting paid.

I always tell my niece nephews to just focus on math, computer science and reading books. the rest of that general knowledge does not get you paid anymore. Doing something nuanced like comp sci / machine learning with a specialization in cloud security really does on the other hand.

And it makes sense because the past generation it was absolutely possible to know how to fix stuff. Nowadays things are so intricate and complex that it’s very hard to have that broad knowledge to cover all the various pieces. Even like handy men I talk to say they’d usually recommend to buy a new microwave instead of trying to fix a broke one since the time spent on it almost always costs more.
My daughter just got her first car. We have AAA, but I still taught her how to change the oil and her tires. Ive never done either on my personal cars in 30 years worth of driving. I'm quick to pay somebody to do something i dont want to do, but my uncle and grandpa taught me how and would make me change the oil on their vehicles when i was in middle school.
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