the thread about nothing...

Christmas Eve and it’s 5pm here. I took my 18yo out to the hardware store because I’ve taken a few days off and plan on putting new floor in his room. That was 3pm and that store was quiet - but others are all still pretty nuts.

He doesn’t say much to me so I initiated the conversation.

“What did you get your mom Christmas?”


“You got your family gifts right?”

“I forgot.”

“You forgot what you got her or you forgot to get her anything?”

“She was always there when I was buying stuff.”

“So when were you planning on telling me this?”

So after choosing flooring I spent the next 2 hours dragging him around with the other bedraggled dads and kids to make sure he got her something! I’m just glad I worked it out then and not in a few hours time when we’d be shopping at the gas station.
It’s cutting into my money but idc tbh.

I know it’s going to f something up nature wise though.

I’m the opposite, I’ll take 5 ft of snow before negative temps
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