the thread about nothing...

iMacs in elementary??

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I was hyped to plat Oregon Trail on DOS.
Yes :lol:

I went to school with real demons.

Our bus driver used to rumble with the students, so we was on some Mad Max **** till I started driving
lol damn

what city was this?

"I went to school with real demons."
I remember this one girl in 6th grade
used to carry a blade in her mouth

the wildest thing I ever saw though
was in 5th grade
kid threw his chair at a female substitute teacher
like, picked up, and thrown at her head

was wild
I dont remember what happened after that though
iMacs in elementary
Sneaking-back-in GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

I was hyped to plat Oregon Trail on DOS.
I think it was like 2002 or 2003 they updated, we had the older ones in the pic above prior.

The last 10 minutes of class the teacher would let us have “game time”. We played Cro-Mag Rally, some random but sweet bowling game, Number Munchers, and Oregon Trail but I kept dying.
Whats one of the wildest things you've seen/experienced at work?

I got plenty

Ill start with one of the "best"

I landed a nice job after college with a fortune 500 company
In my class of new hires there were 9 of us
its a professional setting
you def had moments of suit wearing and all that
to set the scene

So we all are at headquarters for a week, for orientation
They got us all in the same hotel
as we came in from various parts of the country

First morning, we are all downstairs having breakfast
We finish and are just chillin, as we have some time before we need to head out

1 of the dudes starts talking about his night
how he linked up with some chick from craigslist or whatever was used back then
this was 2005
It was already too much info
but then he starts to pass around his phone (or camera even, I dont remember)
when it gets to me
I look at it
and its a pic of this dudes **** in some females mouth
and some other pics

I couldnt believe it

and the fact that as a group, none of us knew eachother until the day before
to be that brazen lol, damn

you know what it was similar to
when kanye was showing the adidas execs porn
cause like kanye
this dude had no qualms about it
to him, it was as normal as showing family pics or something

When I was working at the baseball stadium in the concession stand, it was real busy that day and the money person did their routine collecting all the money from the cash registers around the 5th inning. They left the bag full of money on the counter and someone snatched that bag quick and ran out the nearest exit. Heard that bag had like over 5g's in it? Person got let go of course.
Any good YouTube apps with no ads on Android? YT getting hard to watch over mobile these days with the constant ad breaks.
Yup. In the 6th grade, my middle school got new computers with Windows(not Windows95). Somehow, some of the more computer savy kids discovered that the computers had SimCity and SimAnt. That was also the first time I questioned someone street cred. I had a homeboy that was soooo hood but some how knew how to play SimAnt.
Bro think about whatever device you're reading this with right now, and think about the devices we're remembering from our elementary days.
Computers have moved so far in what seems like a very small amount of time. 🔥
I'm reading this off of a phone.. that just broke on me..

Technology need to tighten up.. :rofl:

Now which phone should I buy?

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