the thread about nothing...

Since they dropping 3 digits on these, figured I'd get it on the memorabilia. Test the waters with the small one, if it gets traction, I'll crank out some more and we goin birkin prices.
You know you spend too much time on the internet when you think you can intimidate a complete stranger by flashing a gun via video. Dude must be an iPad baby.
One of those Frat dudes got made at Druski skit
And told him to explain himself
Dude told him not responding isn’t a option while on Twitter

These folks are ****ing crazy man :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Whats one of the wildest things you've seen/experienced at work?

I got plenty

Ill start with one of the "best"

I landed a nice job after college with a fortune 500 company
In my class of new hires there were 9 of us
its a professional setting
you def had moments of suit wearing and all that
to set the scene

So we all are at headquarters for a week, for orientation
They got us all in the same hotel
as we came in from various parts of the country

First morning, we are all downstairs having breakfast
We finish and are just chillin, as we have some time before we need to head out

1 of the dudes starts talking about his night
how he linked up with some chick from craigslist or whatever was used back then
this was 2005
It was already too much info
but then he starts to pass around his phone (or camera even, I dont remember)
when it gets to me
I look at it
and its a pic of this dudes **** in some females mouth
and some other pics

I couldnt believe it

and the fact that as a group, none of us knew eachother until the day before
to be that brazen lol, damn

you know what it was similar to
when kanye was showing the adidas execs porn
cause like kanye
this dude had no qualms about it
to him, it was as normal as showing family pics or something
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That's a very specific time frame to choose to drop your children off. Are they saying they only drop them off first week of second semester? Why so specific?
The first week after summer break and the first week after winter break, a lot of people drive their kids to school adding TONS of extra traffic. Other than babying the **** out of their children, I don't see why people think its necessary. I can understand the first DAY of elementary, middle and high school, but why drive your half grown *** 7th grader child to school? . Actually, I do know why but its stupid Texas stuff.
I open enrolled in a school in a different district so parents had to drive me, but yeah bus should be normal, I just think it’s good socialization for the kids too.
Taking the bus was trash.

That **** used to stink and it was cold. Hella fights. Kids in the front getting hit in the head with batteries and **** :lol:
Those morning riders were pretty somber. Everyone was half sleep. The afternoon would be when everything went down.
Kids just got batteries on deck? If that fifth-grader bus cop was any good he’d put an end to that. We used to have to bring the bus driver a PB&J on the first day of school every year. All of what I just typed is weird.
Yes :lol:

I went to school with real demons.

Our bus driver used to rumble with the students, so we was on some Mad Max **** till I started driving
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