the thread about nothing...

more proof simps never prosper
not matter what little you may gain you will lose at the end.
just be glad you didnt have to kill yourself.

Like i said i was really feeling her and this is how i felt at the moment, can u blame me?

Not everyone can be like " w.e eff you girl ".

So you tried to steal her from another dude or she kind of used you as a rebound? And the simping was definitely disappointing. It puts you in a bad position in the relationship. She's in the driver's seat. I am guilty of this, too :smh:. Just learn from it. It's funny, sometimes the girls that I act d*ckish too are the ones who come hard at me :lol:.

Get at that Latina girl! She's seems like more fun. Just please don't act wimpy around her :lol:.

I know you'll be fine.

I'll explain better

There was a dude she loves but they never went out, for w.e reason he wont go out with her bc hes busy away having sex with other girls in college, she knows this and cry every night, i took advantage of that one day at work and showed her she doesnt have to be a number 2 in someones life. Everytime he came around he would just use her for sex, she cry and he doesnt care. So i used that and showed her what a better guy i am and everything, guess he came back from school and she caught feelings again and broke us up. She literally said im the best guy she ever dated and could see us in the future together

Well, she is just a dumb b then. If she is cute, I def would have tried the same thing. Time to move on to better things.

Prettiest girl i ever went out with :frown:

There was this girl in college who had bf back home, and I tried to steal her :lol:. I hung out with her a lot, but it did not work. I allowed her to be in the driver's seat. She ended up moving back home. Anyway, they ended up breaking up, I've kept in contact with her, and then she hits me up a couple weeks ago wanting to know if a have a gf. She said she's not dating anyone or interested. Then she talked about coming to see me. We'll see what happens.
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Spec- So u were dating this girl and she went back to her ex?

He's not an ex, just a friend she fell in love with. No matter how bad he treats her she just keeps going back to him. Which is why i tried to step in and help her and show her the good side. Guess she didnt wanna be saved

Sometimes you gotta be the jerk kind of guy. Not wholly, but just enough to get what you want. You gotta see that Asian girl and Latina girl at the same time. Make them compete for your attention and show that you're a guy that is desired. It will work, man.
new itunes 11 looks crazy

and they finally added a play next option...finally
is it an update or do i need to download it?
Why my Temp Gauge tripping? It would go near H when I'm slowing down/stopped and then back to normal when I'm moving like 40-60 mph? What does that mean?
Spec- So u were dating this girl and she went back to her ex?

He's not an ex, just a friend she fell in love with. No matter how bad he treats her she just keeps going back to him. Which is why i tried to step in and help her and show her the good side. Guess she didnt wanna be saved

Sometimes you gotta be the jerk kind of guy. Not wholly, but just enough to get what you want. You gotta see that Asian girl and Latina girl at the same time. Make them compete for your attention and show that you're a guy that is desired. It will work, man.

See i try, But im nice guy all around no matter how mean the person is to me :smh:
Spec- So u were dating this girl and she went back to her ex?

He's not an ex, just a friend she fell in love with. No matter how bad he treats her she just keeps going back to him. Which is why i tried to step in and help her and show her the good side. Guess she didnt wanna be saved

Sometimes you gotta be the jerk kind of guy. Not wholly, but just enough to get what you want. You gotta see that Asian girl and Latina girl at the same time. Make them compete for your attention and show that you're a guy that is desired. It will work, man.

See i try, But im nice guy all around no matter how mean the person is to me :smh:

My bro, I suggest you read Machiavelli the Prince. Sometimes you gotta pretend to be a certain way to get where you want to be. It doesn't mean that you're evil for being a little strategic with your dating and actions :lol:. You gotta play the jerk a little bit to put yourself in a better position. You can't just be waiting around to give them what they want all the time. Gotta stand your ground and not come off as desperate.
Sometimes you gotta be the jerk kind of guy. Not wholly, but just enough to get what you want. You gotta see that Asian girl and Latina girl at the same time. Make them compete for your attention and show that you're a guy that is desired. It will work, man.

Don't invite 4 girls you are smashing out at the same time, to the same place...It won't end well no matter HOW drunk you are. Trust me.
sorry to read bout that spec. only thing you can do now is let go. no sense in fighting for her when she herself acknowledges the ugly truth yet still being blind to it. sometimes they just can't see the light. :nerd:
Why my Temp Gauge tripping? It would go near H when I'm slowing down/stopped and then back to normal when I'm moving like 40-60 mph? What does that mean?
Hmm maybe a clogged radiator? Or if you have electrical fans make sure they're running. 
Sometimes you gotta be the jerk kind of guy. Not wholly, but just enough to get what you want. You gotta see that Asian girl and Latina girl at the same time. Make them compete for your attention and show that you're a guy that is desired. It will work, man.

Don't invite 4 girls you are smashing out at the same time, to the same place...It won't end well no matter HOW drunk you are. Trust me.

:lol: That is such a bad idea. 2 is enough. 4 at the same place?!
:lol: That is such a bad idea. 2 is enough. 4 at the same place?!

It was one of the best/ worst nights ever. My boys are able to make fun of me for the rest of eternity, and I was able to keep them all in the rotation for quite awhile.

Most important thing I learned was always have something going on...Talking to multiple girls, planning drinks with a new lady etc etc...

NT, your boy Spec is crushed :frown:

Yesterday or 2 days ago i remember posting that asian and spanish girl bc i was crushing on them , but at the same time i had a GF. Lately we have been distant which caused me to start liking those other 2 girls but i didnt want anything to get further. Anywho i hit up my girl and she just broke us off. Ive been simping mad hard, she had this guy in the pic who treat her like **** but i was gonna save her and show her the good side in men....failed on my part

Here is the break up in texts






Yes i literally poured my heart and yes she really did say she rather be number 2 in this guys life :smh:

i know you wanted to get your point across, but damn son you would have been better off letting that **** eat away at you than put yourself out there like that. your refusal to take the l resulted in an even bigger L.
do any of you guys play pool? I really want to get my dad a nice pool stick for Christmas, but I dont even know where to start
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