the thread about nothing...

spec let me just say this about your little incident...i suggest you dont say anything about this whole ordeal to your new lady friends...whoever that might be..because they will notice that you broke up not too long ago and just think they are a rebound also dont smother the next girl man, you were doing wayyyy too much apparently all she really wants is hard __n bubble gum..

you say its hard for you to be a jerk or wahtever since you are such a nice guy but i suggest you start learning, because youre sounding like a real aint a pushover are you??

I really dont know honestly, im such a nice cool dude, im friendly with everyone.
How come Nike never sued Newport over the swoosh logo?

Didn't Nike use it first?

they didn't sue, because lorillard used it first, and while they are similar there are enough differences that they pralli wouldn't win if they tried.


spec let me just say this about your little incident...i suggest you dont say anything about this whole ordeal to your new lady friends...whoever that might be..because they will notice that you broke up not too long ago and just think they are a rebound also dont smother the next girl man, you were doing wayyyy too much apparently all she really wants is hard __n bubble gum..

you say its hard for you to be a jerk or wahtever since you are such a nice guy but i suggest you start learning, because youre sounding like a real aint a pushover are you??

I wouldn't mention it to any girls at all. I don't bring up past relationships, gives them too much info on stuff they don't need to know.
spec let me just say this about your little incident...i suggest you dont say anything about this whole ordeal to your new lady friends...whoever that might be..because they will notice that you broke up not too long ago and just think they are a rebound also dont smother the next girl man, you were doing wayyyy too much apparently all she really wants is hard __n bubble gum..

you say its hard for you to be a jerk or wahtever since you are such a nice guy but i suggest you start learning, because youre sounding like a real aint a pushover are you??

I really dont know honestly, im such a nice cool dude, im friendly with everyone.

like you said, you're a nice cool dude. but the fact that you didn't flat out deny being a pushover means you pralli are. theres nothing wrong w/ being a nice accommodating person but sometimes just being nice gives folks the impression that they are free to treat you as they like. i bet if you gave her the cold shoulder from the gate she would have been falling all over herself trying to get in your good graces.
spec let me just say this about your little incident...i suggest you dont say anything about this whole ordeal to your new lady friends...whoever that might be..because they will notice that you broke up not too long ago and just think they are a rebound also dont smother the next girl man, you were doing wayyyy too much apparently all she really wants is hard __n bubble gum..

you say its hard for you to be a jerk or wahtever since you are such a nice guy but i suggest you start learning, because youre sounding like a real aint a pushover are you??

I really dont know honestly, im such a nice cool dude, im friendly with everyone.

like you said, you're a nice cool dude. but the fact that you didn't flat out deny being a pushover means you pralli are. theres nothing wrong w/ being a nice accommodating person but sometimes just being nice gives folks the impression that they are free to treat you as they like. i bet if you gave her the cold shoulder from the gate she would have been falling all over herself trying to get in your good graces.

QFT. Know why they say nice guys finish last? Because nice guys finish last.
more proof simps never prosper
not matter what little you may gain you will lose at the end.
just be glad you didnt have to kill yourself.

Like i said i was really feeling her and this is how i felt at the moment, can u blame me?

Not everyone can be like " w.e eff you girl ".

So you tried to steal her from another dude or she kind of used you as a rebound? And the simping was definitely disappointing. It puts you in a bad position in the relationship. She's in the driver's seat. I am guilty of this, too :smh:. Just learn from it. It's funny, sometimes the girls that I act d*ckish too are the ones who come hard at me :lol:.

Get at that Latina girl! She's seems like more fun. Just please don't act wimpy around her :lol:.

I know you'll be fine.

I'll explain better

There was a dude she loves but they never went out, for w.e reason he wont go out with her bc hes busy away having sex with other girls in college, she knows this and cry every night, i took advantage of that one day at work and showed her she doesnt have to be a number 2 in someones life. Everytime he came around he would just use her for sex, she cry and he doesnt care. So i used that and showed her what a better guy i am and everything, guess he came back from school and she caught feelings again and broke us up. She literally said im the best guy she ever dated and could see us in the future together

Damb. Delete and don't entertain any other communication from this broad. **** that future ****. Not as much as a head nod if you see her in public.
Spectacular, you're a brave dude for posting that ****. It'll take time but forget about her. If she's willing to be a jump, she's not worth your time. And when she calls/texts/messages you crying, dont acknowledge her but if you have to respond say you realize she was a mistake and tell her good luck. Do you and by do you I mean do those girls you posted a little while ago. I'd pick the Asian girl.
Ive been trying for the last 30 mins to close this blu ray movie case...and the funny thing is....i dont even have a blu ray player yet....
Spec, you a cool dude so ima keep it hunna with you.

Females that are with dudes that aint **** think they deserve to get treated like **** from my personal experience.

If you want to save them, alot of times it isnt worth it, they are so ****** up from an emotionally stand point that they wont think they deserve to be with you and alot of times sabotage ****.

Take a step back and let her figure out **** for herself, you being there trying to turn her isnt going to work.

Either she opens her eyes and gets her **** together or gets preggo and continues the cycle.
spec let me just say this about your little incident...i suggest you dont say anything about this whole ordeal to your new lady friends...whoever that might be..because they will notice that you broke up not too long ago and just think they are a rebound also dont smother the next girl man, you were doing wayyyy too much apparently all she really wants is hard __n bubble gum..

you say its hard for you to be a jerk or wahtever since you are such a nice guy but i suggest you start learning, because youre sounding like a real aint a pushover are you??
I really dont know honestly, im such a nice cool dude, im friendly with everyone.
as stated, don't be a pushover. But here is how to be a nice guy:

Don't let your happiness be defined by being with someone else. Don't let other people define you! 'Do you' and embrace yourself, be confident in your dreams and aspirations...being nice does not mean that you cannot carry yourself with confidence. When you do this you will be able to sift out girls who are worth the trouble, and when you find them you won't compromise and try to be something you aren't. They will be attracted to you for all the things that you are and could be.
All that "treat people the way you wish to be treated" s*** you learn when you are growing up is not practical or wise at all.

Treat people the way they want to be treated. Simple as that.

If you are a *****, I will treat you like one. A respectful ***** at least, but still a *****.

If you are a fake, lying, thieving person....I will treat you accordingly. I won't let you inside my crib with open arms and be all hospitable because that is the way I wish to be treated. Who the hell does that s***? Ned Flanders?

I'm not Ned Flanders.
my daughters great grandma gave my daughter a book about God for young people. it's called Learn From The Great Teacher.

she just walked up to me with it telling me it was stupid. I'm like whattt, why? you don't like it?

"it doesn't make any sense... snakes can't talk..."



4 years old, bros. I'm so happy.
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