the thread about nothing...

Long story about work just a heads up lol…just wanted your opinion if this is a fumble the bag situation or not

So on Wednesday this girl from my job gets laid off…the company eliminated her position because of lack of work… at my job in purchasing each member of the team of 3 handles all the purchasing for different entities in our company… the entity that my coworker handles got sold to another company…So basically no purchase orders are being made which means not that much work for her… my manager who has a lot of clout in the company is cool with the ceo and chairman…so he can get her a job at the new company that bought out one of our entities…he said you should go to that new company and he can put in a good word for her to get a job for 10k more than what she is getting currently… basically helping her because he knows her position is being eliminated soon… she doesn’t get the hint and even tells my manager let the company make an offer… mind you she doesn’t work for this new company at all… she handles the purchases orders but is getting paid by my company… her friend who works for that new company got a new job offer somewhere else and presented it to this new company and they said we want to keep you please take this offer… so her friend takes the job.. now my coworker knows the salary and is comparing herself to her friend… but her friend works for that company and has credentials while my coworker this is her first job…So that was a missed opportunity… then Wednesday comes and she gets the news…my manager wanted to give her one last chance and said look I can get you a job in the warehouse for the same pay… she said no that’s a demotion and that was it she got let go…

The crazy thing is when my manager got control of the department he didn’t have anyone and was desperate to hire people…she was a temp in the warehouse… he wanted to hire her… he went to the ceo and asked to hire her and the ceo said no… then my manager went behind his back and asked the chairman which then gave the approval to hire her… the ceo was pissed my manager would do this… a week into the job she asks my manager for a raise and he straight up said get the hell out of my office…now fast forward to today she is telling her friends that still work here that my manager shoulda got rid of me and my other coworker and kept her because she is Indian and its an Indian company smh… I guess she said that because me and my coworker are not Indian but still I was disappointed she said that… when I heard this I deleted her number from my phone…

I eat these spicy Korean noodles once in a while. Gotta have hella water
while eating it lol

I made the mistake of eating these too early like before lunch and boy did I regret it. Those noodles weren’t in my stomach more than 45 seconds before I ran to the bathroom to throw up. Waaaay too spicy for me 😂
I just wanted to share the story cuz I am still confused why she would do that... and I'm not referring to her telling her friends that me and my coworkers shoulda got the boot instead of her...

tf they tryna arrest a 12 year old for

if yall were law enforcement and someone was selling food illegally or without a license, how would yall handle it?

“Aye If you don’t have the correct paperwork, you can’t sell that here. Dont be here when I get back..”
If they persist, it’s not a ticket-able offense, arrest the parents. Seems pretty simple to me.
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