the thread about nothing...

Probably the same thing that happened to Dave. They talk all the political bs but then she’s in front of you smiling, looking all bright eyed, asking for a hug and a pic. The D just overrides everything. “Yea no problem!” :lol:
Dang we can only change our name once, idk what I was thinking I should have left it as it was and then there I go tryna be a Knick fan then I thought it’s not about the name it’s about the avy icon
I got a question for you guys concerning the water park video. Say that was your YT channel and it starts doing numbers, are you sharing the profits with her? What kind of split are you doing?
" But a b++++ can't get a dollar out of me "
It's dangerous to give money to people who don't ask to it, because they might want to have more then and push you to your limits...
And if it's to be known every parasite in the next video would be begging for money, so, no way 😂
Money is the ultimate taboo ( in my opinion ), I'ld rather prefer to talk about politics, religion, sex, which I don't really like to talk about either 😆
I'm surprised we're in 2024 and we don't got something like people wanting to change their color skin, I was thinking it would come earlier 😆
I know it already exists, but I mean surgery democratization for it...
How many years before it becomes true ?
I'm surprised we're in 2024 and we don't got something like people wanting to change their color skin, I was thinking it would come earlier 😆
I know it already exists, but I mean surgery democratization for it...
How many years before it becomes true ?
One of my friends changed his skin color he was my color at first fast forward a couple years he’s light skinned now and says he tryna get even lighter but he hates white people lol
Ariana Grande changed her skin tone and face so much I don't even know which race she is.
I Didn't know that 😮
Nah he never really told me just said he wasn’t comfortable and he said he wanted Michael Jackson color
Alright, I wonder what people would fin later, there was a video here a few years ago, both funny and pathetic, the initial topic was for rights of homosexuals, but one of them get mad at the journalist because he was a man ( beard and all ) so the journalist treated him like a man, but he considered himself as a woman or as anything else, how the journalist was supposed to know when he had someone with a beard in front of him ? Same guy, same show, a few minutes later, the journalist talk about him as a White, the guy get mad because he was Libanese, once again he looked like a White, we're not supposed to guess everyone's origins 😂Video is in french, to this day I'm still shocked how we live in a world in which the journalist had to apologize when he did nothing wrong...

And this guy was also so patronizing 😑
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