the thread about nothing...


I might have to see the preview again but I’m not much of a movie person, only horror really but having Denzel in gladiator 2 is surprising and has me on the edge def might have to check it out come November
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yoo when these jobs check my background it needs to be cleaned I’m tired of being tired of making mistakes and having it come back to bite me. If you knew how I thought you wouldn’t label me a criminal im not a threat to the community. I just felt at a point in my life that breaking the rules was better than being in the streets . Don’t ever say I ain’t warn you. My experiment with religion has lasted many years just looking for a sign.
Must have had bad or the wrong type of insurance. Same thing happened to a coworker with a tree falling on his house and he damn near got a new house out of it.

Tree broke one of his bathroom vanities. Gotta get that replaced but the other bathrooms have the same one and they all have to match so they all get replaced. Oh and they don't make those anymore so you get to choose new ones. Same with the flooring throughout house. Exterior siding. Roof. Light fixtures. Windows.

It took a while but it was crazy.
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