the thread about nothing...

Could you not unsend the message or was it too late by the time you realized what happened?

Too late for that. Text been sent for a while b4 i figured out what i did

And who did I think u was sending the txt too?

A friend who was arguing with his . He was telling me about his being a pain in the *** all weekend so i gave him my soap opera and now I'm gonna pay for this for a good minute :smh:
How bad was the complaint? Was she called out of her name?

Similar situation, I share my position at work with 1 other guy. We've got 8 direct reports each. Our team comes to the building in the morning then heads out into the field for the day. My partner and I were discussing this particular team who always manages to get OT everyday regardless of their schedule...which turned into a discussion about the majority of the team. Well, that team who manages to get OT everyday was still in the building while we were talking about them...nothing came of it but was def a reminder to either 1) be careful enough with your words say they can be shared to all or 2) make sure the coast is actually clear.
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