the thread about nothing...

The older I get, the more I realize a lot of dudes really just hate women (who aren’t related to them). **** is super weird.
My best friend's a woman and pretty much every time we go out we run into some weird *** insecure men.
Simply the fact that she's going out alone with a male friend, or has a male friend at all, is enough for these dudes to immediately drop their incel manifesto when she turns them down. :lol:
Heard about it. Used to go by that section daily at previous work. Just a crazy spot, but generally if you keep to yourself it is fine.

Heard it was a male victim
I think the girl that I seen laying there was probably just in shock. I’m glad she wasn’t the victim.

I used to wait for the bus there all the time when I worked around there. I never had any issues there, it’s just crazy seeing a group of teenagers fighting then shots ringing out. I read that it was actually a guy that shot another guy. Crazy how you can’t catch certain things in the moment. I just saw a handful of girls going at it then *clap**clap**clap**clap*. Everyone took of except for the girl just laying there. Thought she was hit, but I guess she just didn’t move.
My job just notified me that our accountants accidentally miscalculated my copyright fees and that they're legally forced to notify the feds that my tax returns contained fraudulent data :stoneface:
Should normally just be a formality but hopefully it doesn't get result in them bringing up the money laundering/tax fraud nonsense again.
So I had fraud on my card and got a new one. I tried hooking it up to cashapp only to find out I can’t link the new card because I had too many cards on file. I can’t send money now , I guess that’s a miracle telling me to start being more selfish because in reality I’m not obligated to give anyone anything
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