the thread about nothing...

Underrated tip for sandwiches made at home I just found out: wrap em tight after you make em with foil or something and let it sit like a minute. It’ll be like a deli sandwich where its more solid feeling and all the sauces and ingredients settle in.
By the time I’m done making a sandwich I’m lucky if I can pivot to the sink before I’m two bites in, but this is a good tip.
But now you have everything for 2 weeks of sammiches sssooooo

I just seen a bunch of girls fight in a bus stop and one of them ended up getting shot. :smh:

They were fight for like 2 seconds before shots rang out. Then me and my co-worker seen the crowd and bystanders scatter. When the bus stop was all clear, we just saw one girl in pink slumped over the bus stop seat. The crazy part this it was all ******* girls involved in that fight. Hopefully the the girl that got hit is okay.😞
I just seen a bunch of girls fight in a bus stop and one of them ended up getting shot. :smh:

They were fight for like 2 seconds before shots rang out. Then me and my co-worker seen the crowd and bystanders scatter. When the bus stop was all clear, we just saw one girl in pink slumped over the bus stop seat. The crazy part this it was all ******* girls involved in that fight. Hopefully the the girl that got hit is okay.😞
People getting shot at your bus stop and people doing drugs at mine
I just seen a bunch of girls fight in a bus stop and one of them ended up getting shot. :smh:

They were fight for like 2 seconds before shots rang out. Then me and my co-worker seen the crowd and bystanders scatter. When the bus stop was all clear, we just saw one girl in pink slumped over the bus stop seat. The crazy part this it was all ******* girls involved in that fight. Hopefully the the girl that got hit is okay.😞
Heard about it. Used to go by that section daily at previous work. Just a crazy spot, but generally if you keep to yourself it is fine.

Heard it was a male victim
Trying to get my people on board the Kamala conspiracy train. Mfers don't understand how deep undercover she had to go to pull this ish off. She got all these NPOCs fooled :rofl:
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