the thread about nothing...

i went to the mall yesterday and took the homie gatzby with me and man..that dude is a lady magnet...

all types of flavors and that also broke the ice for me and some of em to talk..

try doing that with a cat..
I need a girl
Same here 
My weekend did not go as planned but what a strange turn of events.

Girl from Friday night who i had a crush on in high school turned out to be one of the coolest chicks ive ever hung out with....we are grabbing drinks Thursday and i am actually oddly excited for it. I haven't actually liked a girl like this in a while, which is probably a bad thing since these are the ones i always seem to blow. The odd dichotomy of:

-I don't like a girl....she likes me....i ignore her...only hit her up when i want something or its convenient for me...she catches feelings
-Girl i do like....i am super nice to....hit up probably too much because i like talking to them....they think im too aggro....stop talking to me or friend zone me...i lose.

I will try to balance this out the best i can this time around.

Oh and the Girl on Saturday night who i thought was gf material...blew me off.

Guess you win some you lose some.

It's not a matter of you being too aggressive. When you hit them up too often, it comes across as needy/desperate. Girls will smell that from a mile away. You gotta just play it cool more. A lot of girls like a bit of a challenge.
I said this story a week ago or something but ill repeat it for u.

I decided to gravedig old threads put of boredom then when i gravedug this 3 yearold coupon thread that no one had responded too so i was the first post and posted " i think its expired by now." Then meth hit me with the" i think u just dug ur own grave." And that was the death of odog
Is grave digging wrong or something?
I don't get that @$%, if you "gravedig" something from a couple of months back you get "I hope you get banned for digging this post smh, you seriously dug this thread?"

and if you make a new post, you get "This gets posted every friday, LATE, etc."

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