the thread about nothing...

This dude forever bragging about his reps.

I have the most reps,you see me bragging about it? No
Anybody can post fifty-eleven million pics of naked women tho.  What I do takes skill baby. 

Finally started The Sopranos :smokin


The son is the worst actor alive that wasn't in Troll 2.
Great show, though.

Just know it ended season 4.
Then they brought it back.
Then they brought it back again, jumbo-sized.
...that's why it gets >D
Ughk...I agree with Power on Rob.
Dude fishes hard for them reps.
Harder than pimpin tumblr pics. *shrugs*
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so my friend's little sister, I met last night... is like a olympic-level swimmer 
 cot damn..... I'm gonna have to get my alpha on 
Since this whole rep business started, I like knowing that I'm one of the few that likes seeing about my given rep # increase.

789 given reps and counting.

The wire is getting good(season1 episode 10).
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